The Borneo Post

Lessons in resilience in coping up with bullies


Bullying strips kids of their dignity and leaves scars. Some children bounce back, while others struggle to rebound. There is no onesize-fits-all interventi­on, but here are ways parents can build a child’s resilience.

WHENEVER Jessie hung out with her best friends Chloe and Meg, they gossiped about another seventh- grader named Kate. Jessie didn’t know Kate, but Chloe and Meg said she was clingy, told boring stories and smelled like acne wash.

When Jessie asked questions about this mystery girl, her friends giggled and exchanged knowing glances. This went on for weeks until a boy in her class told Jessie the truth: Kate was their code name for her.

Jessie looked to other friends for support, but they started dropping away. Chloe and Meg had all the social capital, and no one wanted to risk alienating them. Jessie cried every night. Her mother, my neighbour Naomi, called me for advice. “You’re a school counsellor,” she said. “What should I do? She’s in so much pain.”

Naomi’s own experience with bullying intensifie­d her anguish. In eighth grade, kids forged her signature on love letters and left them in a popular athlete’s locker. They tugged on her arm hair and called her “monkey.” Naomi suffered from depression after she was mistreated, and she wanted Jessie to have a better outcome.

Bullying strips kids of their dignity and leaves scars. Some children bounce back, while others struggle to rebound. There is no one- size- fits- all interventi­on, but here are ways parents can build a child’s resilience. • Change the narrative. Help kids understand that they are the main character of their story and that bullying is just one small part of it. Matt Langdon, a bullying expert and president of the Hero Constructi­on Company, urges adults to use the hero’s journey model to put things in perspectiv­e. “The hero starts knowing the rules of the place, is taken to a different world with new rules, then goes on a journey and changes,” he says.

He recommends using books such as the “Harry Potter” series to underscore that heroes learn, and emerge, from their struggles.

“There’s a lot of focus on toughening up bullying targets, and it’s just so wrongheade­d,” Langdon says. • Reframe weaknesses as hidden strengths. “I was bullied for so many things,” says Dave Rendall, author of “The Freak Factor.” “I was grotesquel­y skinny and called Twiggy after the model. No 13-year- old boy wants to have his body compared with that. But that’s why I can do Ironman triathlons. I was also told I talk too much, and I became a speaker.”

To disarm bullies, Rendall says, convince kids that their socalled weaknesses are strengths. “At what point does that nerdy kid become an inventor? When does the kid who dresses weird get praised because he’s a fashion designer?”

Parents can explain that being different will always draw attention, especially in middle school. Rendall suggests having kids list the things they dislike about themselves, then talk about the upside of each trait. And remind kids that when they stop trying to be something they’re not, they’re likely to attract a different kind of friend.

Parents also can foster resilience by modelling nonconform­ity, says parenting expert Annie Fox, author of the “Middle School Confidenti­al” series, and by telling kids that “different doesn’t mean broken.” • Make meaning Targets of bullying can also benefit from helping others in a similar position, says Michele Borba, author of “UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World.” Kids who have suffered often have higher levels of empathy.

She recalls a teen who emigrated from Haiti a few years ago. “No one would eat with him,” Borba says. “After he made the football team and gained acceptance, he mobilised other kids, including his entire football team, to sit with students who were eating alone.”

Similarly, 16-year- old Natalie Hampton created the “Sit With Us” app to help kids find people to eat lunch with. After being ostracised the year before, she wanted to help others in the same situation.

“When kids find a way to make a difference, their confidence goes up,” Borba says. • Choose your words carefully Children need to feel that the adults in their life believe them and believe in them. Acknowledg­e that they have been wounded, but Wiseman cautions against interviewi­ng for pain. “Don’t start off asking, ‘Were the kids mean to you at school today?’ If they say yes, they have to deal with your emotional response, but if they say no, they may have lost their opportunit­y to talk.”

Instead of focusing on the negative, instill hope. Borba suggests reading stories or watching uplifting videos about bullied children who are making a difference in the world. “Kids are comforted when they realise it isn’t just them,” she says. • Look for problemati­c patterns and people Adults can help kids identify areas of vulnerabil­ity. “It could be a class with a teacher who doesn’t have control,” Wiseman says. Children may need to avoid certain hot spots, such as the back of the bus or the blacktop.

Sometimes, friends are doing the bullying, which can be especially hurtful. Parents need to allow their children time to realise that they’re sacrificin­g themselves, and initiate conversati­ons about what constitute­s a good friend. • Know when to shift gears When there are safety concerns or a child is spiralling downward, parents may need to consider moving them to a new setting or seeking therapy.

“A girl from Texas wrote me a few years ago,” Fox says. “During swim class, someone stole her bra from her locker.

She’s large-breasted and had to go to her next class without it.” Kids videotaped her walking through the halls, and she was humiliated. Her father set up a meeting with the school, his daughter and the parents of the girls who stole the bra.

When the girl shared how terrible it felt to be shamed, the other mothers laughed. “The principal said, ‘We can’t ensure your daughter’s safety,’ and he blew it off.”

The girl switched to another school, where she thrived. Fox notes, “Adults need to show they’ve got your back.”— WPBloomber­g

 ??  ?? Bullying strips kids of their dignity and leaves scars. Some children bounce back, while others struggle to rebound. — iStock photo
Bullying strips kids of their dignity and leaves scars. Some children bounce back, while others struggle to rebound. — iStock photo

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