The Borneo Post

Trump, Merkel to meet ahead of Group of 20 summit


BERLIN: US President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel plan to meet tomorrow for what are expected to be tricky talks on the eve of a Group of 20 summit in Hamburg.

Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert said the meeting would come before the summit, ‘ most probably in the early evening of Thursday’.

The pair also spoke by telephone on Monday, the White House said.

Trump and Merkel “addressed climate issues, the Women’s Entreprene­urship Financing Initiative and trade, including global steel overcapaci­ty,” the White House said in a statement following their ‘extensive discussion’.

“The president said that he looks forward to helping Chancellor Merkel make the summit a success,” it said.

Transatlan­tic difference­s on climate change, trade, defence spending and refugees hang over the July 7- 8 meeting of the world’s major industrial­ised and emerging economies.

Last week Merkel met with key European leaders and vowed to make a stand for climate protection and open markets at the meeting with Trump, who has said he will take the US out of the Paris climate deal and pursue a protection­ist ‘America First’ policy.

Merkel said that “the difference­s are obvious and it would be dishonest to try to cover that up. That I won’t do.”

She also said the US exit from the 2015 Paris climate pact had made Europe ‘ more determined than ever’ to make the accord a success.

On Monday, presenting her party’s election platform, Merkel predicted ‘a whole series of thorny issues’ at the G20.

“We know the positions of the US government and I do not expect them to disappear on a two- day trip to Hamburg,” the chancellor said.

She warned against high expectatio­ns, noting that the summit’s fi nal communique has to be ‘approved unanimousl­y’.

She said that while there would be common ground on combating terrorism financing, ‘in other areas there are many difference­s’

German President FrankWalte­r Steinmeier, a former foreign minister, also said current difference­s with the US are unlikely to end.

“If everyone in the world is looking for the best deal then in the end we all lose,” he said in an interview with Stuttgarte­r Zeitung.

“I am very worried by these changes (in US foreign policy), and we cannot expect quick changes.”

More than 20,000 police will be on duty for the G20 meeting, whose participan­ts include China’s President Xi Jinping, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

More than 30 anti- capitalist protests are expected. — AFP

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