The Borneo Post

SUPP members urged to organise more community-based programmes


KUCHING: Sarawak United People Party (SUPP) Bra’ang sub-branch has been urged to organise more communityb­ased programmes in the area that will benefit the local community.

In making the call, Assistant Minister for Community Wellbeing Datuk Francis Harden Hollis, said the branch party leaders and members should think of organising programmes that can uplift the socio- economy of the local community.

“It will be good if the leaders and members (of SUPP Bra’ang sub-branch) can liaise with government department­s and agencies to organise programmes like workshops and seminar for the community here, and programmes related to agricultur­e will be good to increase the income of the people in the area,” he said.

He was speaking when flaggingof­f the Merdeka convoy at Kpg Abang in upper Padawan here, recently, organised by SUPP Bra’ang- sub-branch headed by Jimson Jium, who was also present.

According to him, such programmes would also help the people in the area to get informatio­n, and promote friendship and unity among the local community.

On the convoy, he said it would help to inculcate the spirit of patriotsim among the people especially the younger generation, adding that the participat­ion of members of other Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties was a sign of unity among the various parties in the area.

At the function, he announced RM3,000 government grant for the Village Security and Developmen­t Committee (JKKK) of Kpg Abang.

Meanwhuile, Jium, who was also the organising chairman of the Merdeka convoy, said it was the first time that such event was held and assured that similar event would be held in the future on a much bigger scale.

 ??  ?? Harden (second left) flags off the convoy. On his left is Jium and on his right Cr Ahkim Sarok.
Harden (second left) flags off the convoy. On his left is Jium and on his right Cr Ahkim Sarok.

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