The Borneo Post

Rohingya issue should be discussed at UN — Reezal


KEPALA BATAS: The issue on the continuous oppression of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Rakhine, Myanmar should be brought to the United Nations ( UN) in order to find solutions, said Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican.

He said Malaysia could not act alone as it required the cooperatio­n of other countries to help solve the problem.

“This is a very important issue to all the people in the world and we need to unite to stop the human rights violations against the repression of human rights towards the ethnic Rohingya.

“As such, Malaysia is asking other countries to join hands in finding solutions to stop the oppression of the community in Rakhine and to restore the situation over there,” he told reporters after officiatin­g the 43rd Penang Farmer’s Organisati­on annual general meeting here yesterday.

Reezal Merican, who is also Kepala Batas MP, said Malaysia’s stand on the issue was evident that the country had been supporting the UN’s call for the Myanmar authoritie­s to seek a holistic solution in dealing with the crisis.

“Based on our observatio­ns, it appeared that the Myanmar government did not take any action to resolve the crisis in Rakhine although they had given assurance to embark on measures towards resolving the problem,” he added. — Bernama

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