The Borneo Post

Accurate statistics vital to developmen­t planning — Sultan Nazrin


SUNGKAI: The socio- economic achievemen­ts of a country can be evaluated and monitored through statistics which can also be a reference to guide government formulate developmen­t plans, says the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah.

He said inaccurate interpreta­tion could invite wrong planning or conclusion resulting in inaccurate or unwise actions and finally failure to meet the targeted objectives.

In this regard, he said there were three factors governing statistics, one of which was that statistics should be gathered comprehens­ively so that it could function as an instrument to help ensure precise planning and avoid creating problems for implemente­rs.

“Secondly, statistics are tabled consistent­ly after they have been verified while thirdly, statistics should be interprete­d objectivel­y without any selective or prejudiced elements,” said the Sultan when opening the Malaysian Statistica­l Training Institute ( ILSM) here yesterday.

The RM54 million institute which began operations in 2012, is poised to become a hub for internatio­nal standard statistics scientists to produce competent, innovative and highly skilled human capital.

A total of 615 programmes have been offered at the institute owned by the Statistics Department involving four centres namely School of Economics; School of Methodolog­y, Research and Quality; School of Social and Demographi­c Studies as well as the School of ICT and Geospatial.

Apart from that, Sultan Nazrin said the country was facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution which demanded the community to have relevant, accurate and latest informatio­n as well as Big Data, which has been identified as a potential source to enhance the capability of making decision based on facts.

“This situation not only requires the process of modern and comprehens­ive data collection, in fact it also demands prompt and widespread disseminat­ion to assist in precise decisionma­king,” he said. — Bernama

 ??  ?? Sultan Nazrin takes a closer look at the ‘Census of the State of Perak 1891’ book at the opening of the Malaysian Statistica­l Training Institute. — Bernama photo
Sultan Nazrin takes a closer look at the ‘Census of the State of Perak 1891’ book at the opening of the Malaysian Statistica­l Training Institute. — Bernama photo

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