The Borneo Post

Kurd rebels in mountains of northern Iraq shrug off Turkey-Iran threats


KOYSINJAQ, Iraq: Plans for an independen­ce referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan have angered Ankara and Tehran, but little has changed for Iranian Kurdish rebels at rear bases in the mountains of northern Iraq.

A spokesman for the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) said reports of a joint TurkishIra­nian military operation against Kurdish rebels in Iraq were mainly intended to unsettle Iraqi Kurds.

Speaking in Koysinjaq, 60 kilometres east of the autonomous region’s capital Arbil, Aso Hassan Zada said Iran and Turkey had only one shared interest — their opposition to the Sept 25 referendum.

Both countries fear it could stir separatist aspiration­s among their own sizeable Kurdish minorities.

“Neither country will help the other without something in return,” he said as armed, uniformed men and women trained outside in a courtyard plastered with portraits of their rebel movement’s founders.

The central government in Baghdad has said the non-binding referendum violates Iraq’s constituti­on.

Coming as Iraqi forces backed by an internatio­nal coalition battle Islamic State group jihadists in Iraq and Syria, it has also stoked opposition from Washington and Western countries.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said last month that a joint Turkish-Iranian operation against Iraq-based Kurdish rebels from the two countries was “always on the agenda”.

Turkey has battled the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party ( PKK) for decades, while Iranian security forces have fought the PDKI and a PKK affiliate, the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK).

Iran, while equally opposed to the referendum, swiftly denied Erdogan’s claim of any planned operation inside Iraqi Kurdistan.

But its elite Revolution­ary Guards warned: “As always we will strongly confront any group, team or person who wants to penetrate into Iran’s territory for antisecuri­ty or terrorist operations.”

From another mountain base, Zelan Vejin, a leader of the PJAK whose fighters also operate along the border with Iran, shrugged off the threat of any joint operation.

“It’s impossible that Iran and Turkey operate together” because of their divergent political aims, she said.

Besides, she added, “Iran always undertakes military actions in secret, never disclosing its intentions, whereas Turkey preannounc­es its campaigns.”

The PDKI’s Zada said Ankara prioritise­s fighting the PKK inside Turkey and on Iraqi and Syrian territory, while Tehran’s goal is to clear its Iraqi border of PDKI and PJAK militants.

Ankara and Tehran have carried out a string of separate military operations against Kurdish rebel bases in the mountains of northern Iraq. — AFP

 ??  ?? File photo shows Iranian Kurdish Peshmerga members of the Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP-Iran) during a routine military exercise in Koya, 100 kms north of Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq. — AFP photo
File photo shows Iranian Kurdish Peshmerga members of the Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP-Iran) during a routine military exercise in Koya, 100 kms north of Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq. — AFP photo

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