The Borneo Post

Occupation­al safety and health awareness still low, says Riot


KUALA LUMPUR: The level of awareness on occupation­al safety and health, particular­ly on exposure to diseases and poisoning among employers and industries, was still low, said Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem.

As such, he stressed that employers needed to be more serious in addressing the issue, including immediate reporting of cases involving occupation­al safety and health to the Department of Occupation­al Safety and Health ( DOSH) to ensure preventive action could be taken.

“The main reason for the report is for DOSH to determine the cause of occupation­al accidents or ailments and take preventive action to avoid its reoccurren­ce.

“Meanwhile, the informatio­n compiled will be turned into the department’s data base, enabling analysis and strategic plans to be set up for governance and law enforcemen­t,” he said after launching the 2017 National Occupation­al Health Seminar here yesterday.

Riot’s speech text was read by Human Resource Ministry secretary- general Datuk Seri Adenan Ab Rahman.

The seminar organised by DOSH in collaborat­ion with the Kuala Lumpur Hospital ( HKL) aimed to boost awareness among medical practition­ers on occupation­al ailments in the country to enable monitoring and reporting.

Riot added, based on a study by the Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on (ILO) on workplaces, poisoning cases occurred more frequently compared to exposure to illnesses, at a ratio of 6:1.

“A safe and healthy work culture needs to be instilled at workplaces to ensure that work hazards (accidents and illnesses) do not occur rampantly in this country.

“I hope that work- related accidents will continue to drop in the future, showing that Malaysia is a safe and healthy workplace,” he said.

Further commenting, Riot said a combinatio­n of caring employers, employees who are of quality and productive as well as an effective occupation­al safety and health management system ensured that the services and products offered by an organisati­on reached the level required. — Bernama

The main reason for the report is for DOSH to determine the cause of occupation­al accidents or ailments and take preventive action to avoid its reoccurren­ce. Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem, Human Resources Minister

 ??  ?? Najib (second left) chairs a meeting with the new leadership DPMM at Perdana Putra. — Bernama photo
Najib (second left) chairs a meeting with the new leadership DPMM at Perdana Putra. — Bernama photo

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