The Borneo Post

New Austria govt will be judged on its actions — Juncker


BRUSSELS: European Commission head Jean- Claude Juncker said he had no bias against Austria’s new government, which includes a far-right party, adding it would be judged on its actions.

The coalition between the conservati­ve People’s Party ( OeVP) and the far-right FPOe has pledged to stop illegal immigratio­n, cut taxes and resist EU centralisa­tion.

It will be led by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the OeVP, who at 31 years old is the world’s youngest leader.

His deputy is FPOe leader Heinz- Christian Strache, 48, who last year called German Chancellor Angela Merkel ‘ the most dangerous woman in Europe’ for her open- door refugee policy and has warned about the ‘Islamisati­on’ of Europe.

After meeting with Kurz in Brussels, Juncker said he did not want to comment on the new government, saying “I am against any bias.”

“This government has taken a position that is clearly in favour of Europe and that is what counts for me,” he added.

“We will judge this Austrian government, as we do all government­s, on its actions” he said, adding “what was in the government’s programme suits us almost 100 per cent.”

This government has taken a position that is clearly in favour of Europe and that is what counts for me. Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission head

Kurz, who has increased his pro- EU statements despite an alliance with the euroscepti­c and pro- Russia far-right, continued in the same vein in his comments Tuesday.

He said he wanted to ‘strengthen Europe’ on ‘important issues’ but he expressed his desire that its role be reduced in smaller matters.

“We are a pro-EU nation, we are a pro-EU government,” he added.

EU President Donald Tusk, who also met Kurz, also withheld criticism of the new government.

“I see in ( Kurz) an energetic, determined and pro-EU leader,” Tusk wrote on Twitter.

The last time the FPOe entered government, in 2000 under Joerg Haider, there was outrage across Europe that a man who praised Adolf Hitler’s ‘orderly’ employment policies could be part of an EU government.

But this time, with Europe more inured to far-right parties and the FPOe appearing to have mellowed, the reaction has been muted. — AFP

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