The Borneo Post

M’sia may announce resolution on Jerusalem issue at rally


PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia is expected to announce a resolution on the issue of Jerusalem at the ‘Save Jerusalem’ Solidarity Rally to be held at the Putra Mosque here on Friday, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

“Insyaallah ( God willing), on the day of the rally, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will announce it (the resolution),” he said.

He also said that Malaysia was expected to discuss with other countries the matter of raising the issue of Jerusalem at an emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

“But that will be discussed by Wisma Putra, especially the Foreign Minister,” he said to reporters after chairing a coordinati­ng meeting on the ‘Save Jerusalem’ Solidarity Rally here yesterday.

The issue of Jerusalem cropped up after United States President Donald Trump announced that the United States now considered Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel.

Asked whether Malaysia would send troops to Palestine, Ahmad Zahid replied: “As per the statement issued by Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in Tun Hussein, no military forces will be sent to Palestine.

“However, if such a need arises, then the appropriat­e measures will be taken in accordance with the suitabilit­y.”

Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Home Minister, said 250 NGOs, including non-Muslim organisati­ons, and political parties had confirmed their attendance at the rally.

He said the rally would begin with a special forum consisting of a six-member panel of invited representa­tives. They are the Palestine Ambassador to Malaysia Datuk Dr Anwar H Al Agha; PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail; Amanah vicepresid­ent Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa; PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man; Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia ( PPBM) Informatio­n chief Datuk Kamaruddin Mohd Noor and Islamiah Dakwah Foundation of Malaysia ( Yadim) president Dr Yusri Mohamad.

The moderator would be National Dakwah Council chairman Prof Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Abd Majid, he said.

Ahmad Zahid said the six panellists were representa­tives of political parties and NGOs and would speak on solidarity in saving Palestine.

He said that at the rally, the Friday sermon would be delivered by Federal Territory Mufti Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri.

A special ‘ hajat’ prayers on saving Jerusalem would be held after the Friday prayers, he said.

“After that, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who is also the vice-president of the Internatio­nal Union of Muslim Scholars, and Najib would address the gathering,” he said.

Ahmad Zahid also said that a Palestine Fund donation drive would be launched during the rally, and the money collected would be handed over to Wisma Putra.

“Wisma Putra will coordinate all the Palestine Fund donations and hand the money to the Palestine government,” he said.

He said the signing of a protest banner would also be held during the rally, with Najib and Hadi launching the signature drive.

Ahmad Zahid urged all Malaysians to support the rally which he said was not confined to Islam but encompasse­d universali­ty and humanity. — Bernama

 ??  ?? Zahid (right) with Dr Anwar after chairing a coordinati­ng meeting on the ‘Save Jerusalem’ Solidarity Rally. — Bernama photo
Zahid (right) with Dr Anwar after chairing a coordinati­ng meeting on the ‘Save Jerusalem’ Solidarity Rally. — Bernama photo

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