The Borneo Post

Congress approves short-term budget to avoid shutdown


WASHINGTON: The Republican­controlled US Congress passed a short-term funding bill to keep the federal government running for four more weeks, averting a looming shutdown.

Members of the House of voted 231-188 for the bill and the Senate followed with a 66 to 32 vote.

The temporary funding extension – which lasts until Jan 19 – gives more time to lawmakers from both parties to reach an agreement on funding for the remainder of the 2018 fiscal year, which ends Sept 30.

Opposition Democrats had the numbers to block the Republican bill in the Senate, theoretica­lly giving them the ability to leverage concession­s.

Some Democratic senators opposed the measure because it did not address the fate of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children – known as ‘ Dreamers’ – whose status has been thrown into doubt by President Donald Trump.

But the fact that the Senate majority leader has agreed to put a bill on the status of those immigrants on the floor in January may have encouraged Democrats not to stand in the way of the funding measure.

In the House, some Republican­s had threatened to vote ‘ no’ on the temporary funding bill because it does not fund the Department of Defence for the entire year.

Earlier in the day, Trump accused Democrats of trying to block the bill in order to close down the federal government – something that did not in the end occur.

“House Democrats want a ‘shutdown’ for the holidays in order to distract from the very popular, just passed, Tax Cuts. House Republican­s, don’t let this happen,” he tweeted.

“Pass the ( bill) today and keep our Government open!”

While a government shutdown has been averted, there has been no grand compromise on some of the most contentiou­s issues facing the country, such as immigratio­n and health care.

Democrats and some Republican­s favor giving ‘Dreamers’ legal status, but most Republican­s, along with the White House, want the minority party to accept tougher border security measures in exchange for extending that protection.

Lawmakers are also discussing bills to stabilise the health care markets created under former president Barack Obama’s ‘Obamacare’ reforms, which have come under attack from the Trump administra­tion and the Republican majority.

House Democrats want a ‘shutdown’ for the holidays in order to distract from the very popular, just passed, Tax Cuts. House Republican­s, don’t let this happen.

Additional­ly, there is the issue of funding the government for the rest of the 2018 fiscal year.

But the bill adopted on Thursday does contain some important short-term measures.

It unlocks hundreds of millions of dollars to build a new missile base in Alaska, and to repair to US Navy ships damaged in recent accidents.

A public health insurance programme for US$ 8.9 million children is reauthoris­ed until March 31, which will prevent a lapse in coverage.

And a law that allows US intel agencies to spy on internet users abroad, including on platforms like Facebook and Skype that was due to expire at year’s end has been extended until Jan 19.

In a separate measure, the House approved US$ 81 billion in funding on Thursday for states and territorie­s devastated by hurricanes and wildfires this summer and fall.

The Senate is to vote on the assistance once Congress reconvenes in January. — AFP

Tweet from Donald Trump, US President

 ??  ?? Members of the House of Representa­tives leave for Christmas break after passing a stopgap measure that will avoid a government shutdown one day before the deadline, at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. — AFP photo
Members of the House of Representa­tives leave for Christmas break after passing a stopgap measure that will avoid a government shutdown one day before the deadline, at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. — AFP photo

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