The Borneo Post

False info scraps plan of cancer patient to seek China treatment

- By Othman Ishak reporters@theborneop­

SIBU: The public are advised against spreading false news in social media over matters related to someone needing public assistance to seek medical treatment.

UPP Dudong Women Section chief Kapitan Connie Loh gave the advice yesterday in reaction to the plight of cancer patient, Wong Kung Hua of Sibu Jaya, who is unable to seek medical treatment in China as a result of false informatio­n about him on Facebook.

“We feel very sad. Wong was supposed to go to China on Jan 12 but he failed to raise enough money for the trip,” she told reporters after meeting Wong yesterday.

She said Wong told her on Wednesday that someone had posted in Facebook saying he had raised the amount needed for the trip to China.

Loh said she and UPP would continue to help Wong whom she said had to continue to work to feed his family despite his sickness.

He needs RM100,000 for medical treatment at Tianjian Tumour Hospital in China.

UPP Dudong Women Section has donated RM10,000 under its ‘I Care’ fund to Wong.

Loh said those wanting to donate to Wong may use his personal account ( Maybank 1112161331­33).

Wong, 33, is a mechanic. He was diagnosed with cancer early last year.

He and his wife have a son, 11, and a daughter, nine. He said he had to take pain-killer to ease the pain.

“I have undergone 10 chemo treatments in Kuching. I appeal to the public for fi nancial assistance to undergo treatment at a hospital in China.”

 ??  ?? Loh (centre) hands over a RM10,000cheque to Wong while UPP Dudong Women Section secretary Karen Cho looks on.
Loh (centre) hands over a RM10,000cheque to Wong while UPP Dudong Women Section secretary Karen Cho looks on.

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