The Borneo Post

No US sanctions on Iran nuclear deal for now

US President wants Congress, allies to draw up new deal or US will withdraw


US President wants Congress, allies to draw up new deal or US will withdraw

WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump announced he would not reimpose nuclear sanctions on Iran, keeping a landmark 2015 deal alive... for now.

The Republican leader grudgingly agreed to sign sanctions waivers, ensuring Washington will live up to its commitment­s for another 120 days, but he cautioned it would be ‘for the last time.’

During that four-month period, he wants Congress and America’s main European allies to draw up a new deal – without negotiatin­g with Tehran – to replace the ‘disastrous flaws’ in the current agreement.

“Despite my strong inclinatio­n, I have not yet withdrawn the United States from the Iran nuclear deal,” Trump said in a statement.

“Instead, I have outlined two possible paths forward: either fix the deal’s disastrous flaws, or the United States will withdraw.” The new deal – which Trump envisions as being outlined in US law and involving Britain, France and Germany – would impose tougher controls on Iran if sanctions relief is to continue.

In particular, it will not begin to expire after 10 years as parts of the existing deal do, but instead would impose permanent restrictio­ns on not just Iran’s nuclear plants but also its missile programme.

“These provisions must have no expiration date. My policy is to deny Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon – not just for 10 years, but forever,” Trump said.

“If Iran does not comply with any of these provisions, American nuclear sanctions would automatica­lly resume.” Trump is also urging Congress to reform US law so the president is no longer required to declare every 90 days whether he thinks Iran is in compliance, or to renew sanctions waivers every 120 or 180 days.

Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, took to Twitter to describe Trump’s decision and the announceme­nt as ‘desperate attempts to undermine a solid multilater­al agreement.’

The 2015 deal, he said, “is not renegotiab­le. Rather than repeating tired rhetoric, US must bring itself into full compliance – just like Iran.” Trump’s decision was announced alongside another package of new sanctions – punishing not Iran’s nuclear programme, but its alleged abuse of human rights in a crackdown on recent street protests.

The most prominent new name on the Treasury sanctions blacklist, which forbids Americans from doing business with the targets, is the head of Iran’s judiciary, Sadegh Amoli Larijani.

The US Treasury said Larijani, the brother of Iran’s parliament­ary speaker and former nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, is to blame for the torture and degrading treatment of prisoners.

Washington policy hawks hailed Trump’s decision, which they said would concentrat­e minds in Europe, where leaders have urged the US president not to sabotage a deal they see as a landmark diplomatic success.

“So Trump now has issued explicit May deadline to Congress and Europeans: Fix Iran nuke deal or no more sanctions waivers,” wrote Mark Dubowitz, head of the Foundation for Defense of Democracie­s.

“Is he bluffing? I don’t think so. Busy four months ahead.” But supporters of the existing deal between Iran and six world powers, including the former officials in Barack Obama’s administra­tion who negotiated it, denounced Trump’s plan.

Diplomacy Works, a pressure group set up by former secretary of state John Kerry to defend the deal, was scathing.

“Today, we learned that the president’s plan includes bullying our allies into fundamenta­lly altering the terms of a deal that they know is working for our mutual security and have publicly stated they have no interest in amending,” it said.

The other signatorie­s to the deal – Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia – and the European Union, which oversaw the talks, were watching carefully.

The British and German foreign ministries said they had taken note of the decision and would confer with France before deciding on a course of action. — AFP

These provisions must have no expiration date. My policy is to deny Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon – not just for 10 years, but forever. If Iran does not comply with any of these provisions, American nuclear sanctions would automatica­lly resume. — Donald Trump, US President

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