The Borneo Post

Trump zeroes in on N. Korea, Iran threats


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump used his biggest stage Tuesday to warn of the nuclear threat from North Korea, as fears grow again in Washington that conflict may be looming.

In recent weeks, US officials have laid the groundwork for a pivot to strategies for a world of renewed great power competitio­n with the likes of Russia and China.

In his State of the Union address to Congress and the nation, Trump described Moscow and Beijing as challengin­g “our interests, our economy, and our values.” But he saved his harshest words for Iran and North Korea.

“North Korea’s reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles could very soon threaten our homeland,” he warned, implying he has a narrow window to respond to Pyongyang’s ambition.

“We are waging a campaign of maximum pressure to prevent that from ever happening.”

Singling out Iran and North Korea — which along with Iraq formed his predecesso­r George W Bush’s “’Axis of Evil’ — seemed calculated to raise the specter of new conflicts.

It came as a respected Korea expert, tipped to become Trump’s ambassador to Seoul, revealed he had dropped out of the running and criticised the idea of a preemptive strike.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defence Secretary Jim Mattis have been pushing a diplomatic strategy to convince North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un to come to the table and negotiate away his nuclear arms.

But other senior figures have reportedly endorsed the idea of a ‘ bloody nose’ strike to damage Kim’s nuclear sector and show the US means business, hopefully without provoking a wider war.

Victor Cha, a senior advisor at the Centre for Strategic and Internatio­nal studies and until Tuesday a candidate for US ambassador to Seoul, rejected this in the Washington Post.

“A strike (even a large one) would only delay North Korea’s missilebui­lding and nuclear programs, which are buried in deep, unknown places impenetrab­le to bunker-busting bombs,” he wrote. “A strike also would not stem the threat of proliferat­ion but rather exacerbate it,” he added, warning that Kim might try to sell nuclear weapons to ‘bad actors’ for money or revenge.

Cha also pointed out that millions of South Koreans and tens of thousands of American expats and troops would be at immediate risk of a North Korean counterstr­ike.

“The president would be putting at risk an American population the size of a medium- size US city... on the assumption that a crazy and undeterrab­le dictator will be rationally cowed by a demonstrat­ion of US kinetic power,” Cha wrote.

According to the Post, Cha’s refusal to entertain the idea of a pre- emptive strike cost him his ambassador­ship, and Trump’s speech suggested he was in no mood for compromise. — AFP

 ??  ?? Ji, currently a law student at Dongguk University, holds up his crutches as he is ackowledge­d by Trump during his State of the Union address to a joint session of the US Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, US. — Reuters photo
Ji, currently a law student at Dongguk University, holds up his crutches as he is ackowledge­d by Trump during his State of the Union address to a joint session of the US Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, US. — Reuters photo

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