The Borneo Post

People hope new govt will fulfill mandate


KUALA LUMPUR: The massive victory of Pakatan Harapan ( PH) in the 14th General Election ( GE14) yesterday has put an end to the six decades of Barisan Nasional ( BN) administra­tion in Malaysia, and hence brings a new hope and inspiratio­n for the people.

The GE14, dubbed the ‘ father of all elections’ saw the PH, comprising four opposition parties namely DAP, PKR, Amanah and PPBM, won 113 out of the 222 parliament­ary seats and thus, entitled by law to form a new government with a simple majority.

National laureate, Datuk Dr Zurinah Hassan said nothing was shocking about the PH’s victory yesterday as the people’s sentiment and support, which were clearly in favour of PH, had been felt all over the social media platform, including WhatsApp.

Right now, she said PH had to fulfill their mandate to ensure a more comfortabl­e life for the people by addressing the rising cost of living issues.

“PH is the people’s new hope. But, all laureates and players in

PH is the people’s new hope. But, all laureates and players in the arts industry will continue to voice their opinions should they feel that something is not right. Datuk Dr Zurinah Hassan, national laureate

the arts industry will continue to voice their opinions should they feel that something is not right,” she told Bernama.

Political communicat­ion analyst Dr Mohd Khairie Ahmad said the results of the GE14 were not really surprising to many as the wave for a change in government had began in 1998.

“I think two decades is more than enough for any movement to mature and for us to finally see the changes,” he said.

Private sector worker, Muhammad Afiq Mahadi, 32, said he was excited to witness the new administra­tion led by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and hoped that the people could really feel and enjoy fair distributi­on of the country’s wealth.

“With a line up full of prominent leaders, I also hope that the good image of Malaysia in the eyes of the world will be restored and that Malaysia will be respected again,” he said.

Volunteer Mohd Fadly Daud, 39, on the other hand, hoped that the formation of the new government would be worthwhile.

“We are hoping for a change. I also hope that all promises contained in the PH manifesto will be fulfilled, as well as other issues such as religious, education, health and wellbeing of the people in rural areas,” he said.

For civil servant Nurhayati Zainuddin, 39, it was hoped that any party or coalition taking over power in Malaysia would be able to maintain people unity so that the country would continue to prosper.

“Right now, it is not about degrading others, what’s important is to ensure that the people’s voice is heard and continue to be heard and that the country will remain peaceful and harmony.

“With the high hope placed by the people on the PH to make things right, I really hope the new government will not be a disappoint­ment,” she said.

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