The Borneo Post

About 700 have applied to become PKR Baram members


MIRI: PKR Baram branch has received about 700 new membership applicatio­ns up to yesterday.

Branch secretary Dennis Along said the applicatio­ns will go through a screening process before they are approved.

“For all the approved applicatio­ns, there will be a symbolic ceremony to officially ‘receive’ the new members and it will take place during our AGM (annual general meeting) on Aug 25,” he told The Borneo Post yesterday.

“Those accepted into the party will also be eligible to vote during the AGM, but can only contest for any position at PKR branch or sub-branches during our AGM in September 2021,” he added.

Dennis pointed out that the closing date for applicatio­ns which would be processed in August was June 26 but the membership drive was still ongoing daily.

“Those who want to become PKR members, especially for Baram branch or those who are originally from Baram, can come to our office at Bandar Baru Permyjaya here,” he said.

Dennis acknowledg­ed that since Pakatan Harapan (PH) won the 14th general election, PKR’s popularity has been surging and many have applied to become PKR members.

“More and more youths between the ages of 20 and 40s are applying to be PKR members. The response we received is overwhelmi­ng since PH won the election, compared to before.

“Before the last election, we also had membership drives but the response was not as good. For PKR Baram, we really welcome everyone who are 18 years old and above to join us as members, especially those who have not been a member of any political party,” he said.

Touching on the AGM to take place on August 25, Dennis said members from about 60 subbranche­s of PKR Baram are expected to be present, and each sub-branch will send three to five representa­tives comprising their chairman, secretary, treasurer, women chief and youth chief.

“Though we already have the date confirmed, we will only announce the venue and time later as they have yet to be finalised,” he said.

 ??  ?? Dennis (right) with a staff of PKR Baram office show the membership applicatio­n forms received.
Dennis (right) with a staff of PKR Baram office show the membership applicatio­n forms received.

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