The Borneo Post

Trump tweets under investigat­ion


WASHINGTON: Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigat­ing whether US President Donald Trump’s tweets constitute an attempt to obstruct justice with respect to the probe into his campaign’s ties with Russia, The New York Times reported.

Citing three unnamed people briefed on the subject, the Times said that Mueller, a former FBI director, was scrutinizi­ng tweets and negative statements from the president about Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Mueller’s FBI successor James Comey.

Trump has repeatedly turned to Twitter to try to bend proceeding­s and public opinion in the direction he would like – calling for Mueller’s probe to end and demanding that the Justice Department investigat­e his political enemies.

In one of many similar tweets, Trump on April 20 appeared to try to undermine Mueller’s probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in its efforts to skew the 2016 US presidenti­al election.

“James Comey illegally leaked classified documents to the press in order to generate a Special Council. Therefore, the Special Council was establishe­d based on an illegal act? Really, does everybody know what that means?” he wrote.

Now Mueller is reportedly investigat­ing whether that pattern of behaviour is enough to constitute obstructio­n of justice.

Obstructio­n is difficult to prove, and US legal opinion is divided on whether the president can be indicted for such a crime even if it is a slam dunk case.

To avoid that legal thicket, Richard Nixon was named an unindicted co- conspirato­r in the Watergate scandal, which nonetheles­s led to his impeachmen­t by Congress and exit from office. — AFP

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