The Borneo Post

Even in their 80s, these seniors set a very busy pace

- By Debra Bruno

IN GOOD weather, Sylvia Lask logs thousands of steps a day on her Fit bit as she push es down New York City side walks with her walker. As frequently as once a week, she heads to Albany, walker and all, to lobby state government officials about mental-health issues.

Florence Lee drives in to Manhattan on her own from Queen son Thursday nights during the New York Philharmon­ic’s season for performanc­e soft he vaunted orchestra. Larry White still travels a round New York S tate, as he has for the past 10 years, to help prison inmates manage long sentences.

What makes L ask, Lee and White particular­ly notable is that all of them have found a way to forge active lives past 81, the average life expectancy for someone living in New York City. And because of that, they are featured in a series of narratives, photos and videos showing “that older people have goals, they have lives that are dynamic ,” says Dorian Block, director of the Exceeding Expectatio­ns project at the Robert N. Butler Columbia Ageing Centre at Columbia University .“You can be the person you’ve always been.”

Through social workers, friends of friends and neighbours, the centre tracked down 20 older New Yorkers living active lives -a mixture of rich, poor, black, white, Hispanic, Asian-and followed them through their daily routines from 2015 to 2017.

New York City is a unique place to live and age. The city that never sleeps has a wealth of aspects that eases life for the elderly: Food delivery, micro neighbourh­oods, endless cultural entertainm­ent, an abundance of senior centres and parks, and easily accessible medical care. And there’ s no need to drive: The city is connected by a vast transporta­tion system, so that even those who might not be able to manage stairs to the subway can take the bus or use the Access-A-Ride service for disabled passengers. In addition, taxis and taxi alternativ­es such as Lyft and Uber are plentiful.

Even with its focus on New York, the Columbia project has provided lessons about age ing that apply to anyone. Among them:

1. Have a purpose, areas onto get up in the morning. Take the example of L ask, who is 84.“If you do nothing, you’re going to sit and rock, and your life has no meaning after that ,” says Lask, who still works part time as a psychiatri­c counsel lo rat a mental-health clinic in the

Some people live with health and other challenges as the main plot of their lives. For so many other people, it’s just the background. Dorian Block, Director of the Exceeding Expectatio­ns project

Bronx. “It doesn’t mean because you’ve reached a certain age that you have to stop!”

La skis vice chairman of the Bronx Democratic Party, and she lobbies in Albany, the state capital, for mental-health legislatio­n. She recently helped to get a law passed to include mental health in the curriculum for the state’ s public middle schools. “If I do nothing else and we’ ve saved one life in this bill, it will be worth all the trips to Albany,” Lask says. She has been taking the train to Albany so frequently that some fellow residents in her apartment building think she has moved, which is the main reason she shows up to play bingo with them once a week.

2. Celebrate and cultivate the social connection­s. Sandy and Art Robbins ,83 and 89, live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, in an apartment that serves as headquarte­rs for her theatre company, rooms for her husband’ s art therapy clients, and the location of many a Pass over dinner for members of their extended family.

Lee, 8 3, a retired teacher who moved to Queens about 14 years ago after living for many years far there aston Long Island, plans to stay put in the city. “I’ll never move” to a seniors-only community with“no young voices, no people going to work,” she says. Au rea Tex id or ,88, has such a network of friends at her local senior centre that she has accumulate­d a collection of hats these friends have knit ted for her. Hank Bl um ,88, spends hours in his Upper East Side neigh bo ur hood chatting with his door man, his banker, his pharmacist and the wait staff at his regular restaurant­s.

3. Do not be defined by your obstacles. Jacquie Murdock ,87, a former profession­al dancer, is blind and was recently given a cancer diagnosis. But she’ s such a fashion is ta that she was profiled by a popular blog, Advanced Style, which celebrates fashion for older people, and she is sometimes recognised on the street because of that. Until her illness slowed her down, she regularly took the subway around the city and participat­ed in dance classes for senior citizens.

“Some people l ive with health and other challenges as the main plot of their lives ,” says Columbia’s Block. “For so many other people, it’ s just the background.”

Luis Ca jig as, for instance, an Exceeding Expectatio­ns participan­t who recently passed away at age 87, once decorated a cart for a Three Kings Day parade, an enormous winter celebratio­n held each year by the Puerto Ric an community in East Harlem, and rode it in a snowstorm to get there, even though he struggled with heart failure.

4. Money isn’ t as important as you might think. Block says the New Yorkers who had the basic sofa safe roof over their heads and enough to eat seemed content with their lives, even though some of them are barely scraping by.

“Something that was very surprising tome was that people’s levels of satisfacti­on with their life and their daily routines were not affected by their class and income level,” he says. Some of the people in the project who had the least income had some of the rich est views of life. For instance, Rosa Mendoza ,88, a Cuban immigrant who gets by on her $ 1,200 monthly income from Social Security - while paying a rent of $ 800 - treats herself to ice cream when she has a little extra. And even though she recently lost her husband, she finds joy in making jokes, singing in her church choir and keeping up with family and friends.

5. Acknowledg­e that ageing can be lonely. Most of the participan­ts had lost old friends and relatives, Block says, and tell her, “I don’t have peers anymore.” Many “felt very alone in their experience of ageing,” she said.

Larry White, an 83- year-old resident of Harlem who spent 32 years in prison, says the men who had served time with him and remained his friends are now gone. With no living relatives, he describes himself as a loner.

Other participan­ts say that friends who used to travel with them or talk to them daily on the phone have passed on, and that has been isolating. The lack of conversati­on about ageing in the culture at large also contribute­s to the feeling that “there’s no one left for them to talk to ,” Block says, adding that this makes other social connection seven more essential.

6. Have a routine. Lee says that in addition to her Thurs days at the Phil harmonic, she sets aside Tuesdays for doctor visits, Wednesdays for her hairdresse­r in her former hometown about 50 miles out on Long Island, and Fridays for yoga. Block says that most of the participan­ts are “secure in their routine,” which shows that they know what matters to them.

7. Location is important. Even though many older New Yorkers qualify for sub sid is ed senior housing, the city’s lottery system for that housing can mean that they a replaced in a new apartment in a borough or a neigh bo ur hood far from their original home. For Jin-Fu Lu, 83, an immigrant from China, that means travelling six miles across Brooklyn to attend a community centre in Sunset Park, where he and his wife had previously lived, because it caters to the Chinese community .“It shows how important place is ,” Block says.

8. Death has no dominion. Nearly every person in the project, Block says, has no fear of death and no hesitation about talking about the end. “Younger people are scared to talk about dying ,” she says .“It’s such a reality for people int heir 80s .” Many of them told her that they had lived a full life and were ready togo, she says. Murdock even brought out the dress she wanted to be buried in.

One of the biggest takeaways from the Columbia study is the evidence that age in g-even with the inevitable losses and restrictio­ns - doesn’t have to be dismal. In fact, removed from the daily hustle to work, life in the last decades can be a time to savour living.

“Science-and our own experience - tells us that ageism begins with our own perception­s of age ing ,” Block says .“Every time we tell ourselves that we’re too old, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

In other words, if we buy into the idea that old people are automatica­lly diminished, we make assumption­s about theirand our - l imitations that might not be true.

Many people think about the financial implicatio­ns of retiring andre cog ni se that they might have health problems at the end of their lives, but beyond that they haven’t worked out a plan for what might be decades of living once they are retired .“Being willing to try new things - that’s what keeps their spark going ,” Block says of the 20 successful agers in the project. Block adds the study helped her to re ali se just how much everyone wants to be heard. — WP-Bloomberg

 ??  ?? (Left) Jacquie Murdock, 87, enjoys a jazz concert. Until the last year, she rode the New York City subway and participat­ed in dance classes. • (Right) Sandy and Art Robbins, 83 and 89, live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in an apartment that...
(Left) Jacquie Murdock, 87, enjoys a jazz concert. Until the last year, she rode the New York City subway and participat­ed in dance classes. • (Right) Sandy and Art Robbins, 83 and 89, live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in an apartment that...
 ??  ?? Florence Lee, 82, (centre) looks at pictures of her friend’s grandchild­ren outside of their weekly yoga class; “I’ll never move to a seniors-only” centre with “no young voices, no people going to work,” she says. — WP-Bloomberg photos
Florence Lee, 82, (centre) looks at pictures of her friend’s grandchild­ren outside of their weekly yoga class; “I’ll never move to a seniors-only” centre with “no young voices, no people going to work,” she says. — WP-Bloomberg photos
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Sylvia Lask, 83, gets a pedicure at a favourite salon, where she knows many of the people coming in and out. “I haven’t let (age) conquer me,” she says. “It has slowed me down a little. Not a lot.”
Sylvia Lask, 83, gets a pedicure at a favourite salon, where she knows many of the people coming in and out. “I haven’t let (age) conquer me,” she says. “It has slowed me down a little. Not a lot.”
 ??  ?? Henry Blum, 88, so loves his work as an optometris­t that he can’t quit. “I know there are people out there who can see because of me,” he says.
Henry Blum, 88, so loves his work as an optometris­t that he can’t quit. “I know there are people out there who can see because of me,” he says.

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