The Borneo Post

Famed TV personalit­y accused of sexual harassment by ex-intern


BEIJING: Zhu Jun, one of China’s best-known TV personalit­ies and host of CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala, has been accused of sexual harassment by a former intern.

The #MeToo movement has had difficulty making an impact in China, but the accusation against Zhu is the first to involve a prominent member of the Chinese entertainm­ent industry. The story contains the all too familiar tale of abuse of power and the subsequent cover-up that has marked many #MeToo stories around the globe. But what makes it uniquely Chinese is the concealmen­t.

A Chinese user with the handle “Mai Shao Classmate” published a lengthy 3,000-word post on microblogg­ing service Sina Weibo on Thursday, which quickly went viral, accusing Zhu of sexual harassment an undisclose­d number of years ago.

Zhu is a prominent CCTV personalit­y in China, whose claim to fame — apart from being the host of Artistic Life, where he in his signature sentimenta­l style interviewe­d leading actors and singers, such as Chow Yun-Fat and Jacky Cheung — also includes a 20-year stint as one of the hosts of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, which has an annual viewership of approximat­ely 1 billion people.

In the blog post, the writer says she was an intern on CCTV’s Artistic Life and was one day instructed to bring fruit to Zhu’s dressing room. She alleges that after a fellow intern left the room, the door of which was not completely closed, Zhu began talking about his influence and position, including making remarks such as “letting (the blogger) stay at the network.” As he got more animated, he started “attempting to molest (me) through (my) clothes, taking no notice of (my) resistance,” the blogger writes.

She says that she was saved from further attack by the arrival of the show’s guest, contempora­ry Chinese opera singer Yan Weiwen, in Zhu’s dressing room.

Shocked by the attack, the blogger claims that the blatant manner Zhu displayed must have meant he was used to behaving this way. That made her decide to go to the police to report the attack. But after the usual procedures of statementm­aking and evidence-giving, the authoritie­s turned around to try to convince her to drop the charges, asserting that Zhu, as well as CCTV, were “positive influences to society” and she “should not destroy that image.” The authoritie­s also told her, she alleges, that they had contacted her parents, who were public servants and members of the Communist Party, and asked her not to expose the incident for their sakes. She accepted the request and was only moved to write the post after her friends criticised her for her “radical attitude” towards sexual harassment.

After the blog post was published on Friday morning, the name “Zhu Jun” began trending on Weibo, and the post received thousands of comments, some comparing the CCTV host to disgraced late BBC personalit­y Jimmy Savile. But the blog post disappeare­d within hours, with the original blogger claiming she did not delete it herself.

 ??  ?? Zhu is a prominent CCTV personalit­y in China.
Zhu is a prominent CCTV personalit­y in China.

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