The Borneo Post

Problem-solving ways take on new twist


BOSTON, Massachuse­tts: More than a decade after the introducti­on of the first smartphone, we are awash in always- on technologi­es – email, instant messaging, social media, Slack, Yammer, and so on.

All that connectivi­ty means we are constantly sharing ideas, knowledge, thinking, and answers. Surely that “wisdom of the crowd” is good for problemsol­ving at work, right?

Not so fast. New research by Harvard Business School ( HBS) Associate Professor Ethan Bernstein and colleagues, published in Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS), suggests that “always on” may not always be effective. Instead, “intermitte­ntly on” might be better for complex problemsol­ving.

Bernstein, Assistant Professor Jesse Shore of the Questrom School of Business at Boston University, and Professor David Lazer of Northeaste­rn University put together and studied a number of three-person groups performing a complex problemsol­ving task.

The members of one set of groups never interacted with each other, solving the problem in complete isolation; members of another set constantly interacted, as we do when equipped with always- on technologi­es; and members of the third set of groups interacted only intermitte­ntly.

From prior research, the

As we replace those sorts of intermitte­nt cycles with always-on technologi­es, we might be diminishin­g our capacity to solve problems well.

researcher­s anticipate­d that the groups whose members never interacted would be the most creative, coming up with the largest number of unique solutions – including some of the best and some of the worst – and a high level of variation that sprang from their working alone. In short, they expected the isolated individual­s to produce a few fantastic solutions but, as a group, a low average quality of solution due to the variation. That proved to be the case.

The researcher­s also anticipate­d that the groups whose members constantly interacted would produce a higher average quality of solution, but fail to find the very best solutions as often. In other words, they expected the constantly interactin­g groups’ solutions to be less variable but at the cost of being more mediocre. That proved to be the case as well.

But here’s where the researcher­s found something completely new: Groups whose members interacted only intermitte­ntly preserved the best of both worlds, rather than succumbing to the worst. These groups had an average quality of solution that was nearly identical to those groups that interacted constantly, yet they preserved enough variation to find some of the best solutions, too.

Perhaps the most interestin­g result was that when their interactio­ns were intermitte­nt, the higher performers were able to get even better by learning from the low performers. When high and low performers interacted constantly, the low performers tended to simply copy high performers’ solutions and were in turn generally ignored by the high performers. But when their interactio­ns were intermitte­nt, the low performers’ ideas helped the high performers achieve even better solutions.

Bernstein and his co- authors see a number of workplace implicatio­ns for these findings, including the advantages of alternatin­g independen­t efforts with group work over a period of time. In some ways, that’s how work traditiona­lly has been done in organisati­ons – with individual­s working alone, then coming together in a meeting, then returning to work alone. But advancing technology has changed those cycles.

“As we replace those sorts of intermitte­nt cycles with alwayson technologi­es, we might be diminishin­g our capacity to solve problems well,” Bernstein notes.

The researcher­s see parallels in a number of trends in organisati­ons today. Agile approaches to teamwork have some of this intermitte­nt characteri­stic, given that they are organised into “sprints,” gatherings of people that focus on a particular problem and last only a short time. Similarly, hackathons are increasing­ly designed to provide some intermitte­ncy of interactio­n.

Organisati­ons known for their excellence in creativity and brainstorm­ing ideas, such as IDEO, often use a process that has intermitte­ncy built in. Even open offices, a concept about which Bernstein has recently completed research, often have both group spaces ( booths, meeting rooms) and individual spaces ( phone booths, pods) in which interactio­n can be paused for a period of time.

Given the study’s findings, the researcher­s conclude that these design-based tools for intermitte­nt rather than constant interactio­n may be even more important for organisati­onal productivi­ty and performanc­e than previously thought.

Ethan Bernstein, Associate Professor

 ?? — Wikimedia Commons photo ?? Associate Professor Ethan Bernstein sees a number of workplace implicatio­ns for different collaborat­ion models, including the advantages of alternatin­g independen­t efforts with group work over a period of time.
— Wikimedia Commons photo Associate Professor Ethan Bernstein sees a number of workplace implicatio­ns for different collaborat­ion models, including the advantages of alternatin­g independen­t efforts with group work over a period of time.

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