The Borneo Post

Regular yelling at a child is not ‘normal.’ It’s abuse

- By Meghan Leahy

QUESTION: My daughter is seven and on the high-functionin­g end of the autism spectrum. My husband often has a short fuse with her (and me), and will yell at her - I’d say at least once a day. I don’t just mean a slightly raised voice or a case where she’s about to touch a hot stove, but yelling with anger in his voice, such as, “Just go to sleep!” when she’s having sleeping issues, or, “Fine, don’t eat the eggs!” if she’s being picky. I suffer from anxiety and am sensitive to people yelling (it never happened in my household growing up), so when he yells, I get anxious and protective of our daughter, which tends to upset him more (for instance, he might tell me to “shut up”). We saw a marriage counsellor in the past who basically said it’s normal to yell at your kids (and wife), and that he’s screamed at his before. Meanwhile the individual therapist I’m seeing says that it’s never OK to yell at your kids - that it may happen, but it’s not OK. I’ve tried talking to my husband about it, but he seems to think it’s no big deal or will deny actually raising his voice. Any suggestion­s on how to deal with this? He seems reluctant to see a different marriage counsellor.

Answer: This is a parenting column, so I am going to begin with the child and her needs. Autism Speaks defi nes autism spectrum disorder as “a broad range of conditions characteri­sed by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communicat­ion.” There are different types of autism, and medical issues such as GI problems, seizures and sleep difficulti­es can also affect people with autism. Highfuncti­oning autism, which is not a formal diagnosis, generally refers to a child who may be able to get along in school and perform academical­ly, but fi nd reading others’ cues and socially engaging difficult. The child may also struggle to communicat­e her emotions but, with support and therapy in speech and movement, can greatly improve her ability to communicat­e.

The reason I wanted to give the most rudimentar­y defi nition of your daughter’s condition ( knowing little about her) is that I want to highlight how important communicat­ion is with these differentl­y wired children. Because your daughter, in some capacity, cannot fully

Although being yelled at every day breaks down selfesteem and increases panic in every child, it is especially painful for children with autism. Not only are they receiving the abuse, they also may lack a way to fight back or express big feelings.

express herself - for example, that she may not like eggs - it is even more important for the parent to slow down and use patience and specialise­d communicat­ion tools to help the child strengthen these skills.

Further, studies implore us to not confuse lack of communicat­ion or lack of social cues for lack of feeling. Children with high-functionin­g autism want to belong to the group; they just need therapy and support to form those habits. Why is this important to know? Because your daughter is absolutely feeling the effects of your borderline verbally abusive husband. And although being yelled at every day breaks down self- esteem and increases panic in every child, it is especially painful for children with autism. Not only are they receiving the abuse, they also may lack a way to fight back or express big feelings.

And yes, I am using the word abuse. The fact that a therapist told your husband that his regular anger and yelling are “normal” is flat- out wrong. The feelings of frustratio­n, anger and impatience that come with raising a child with autism are absolutely real, and they can take a toll on every aspect of your life. The emotional, physical, fi nancial, social and psychologi­cal impacts can be daunting, but that in no way justifies daily yelling at family members. There are online, in-person and therapeuti­c support options in every state for parents, and what is even more galling is that you have spent good money and time on therapy. Bad therapy, at that.

So, here we are, in a cycle of him yelling, you defending and him yelling more. I am glad you are with an individual therapist now, because you have some decisions to make. If your husband agrees to go to marriage therapy, run, don’t walk, to the next counsellor. If your husband can admit he has an anger problem and can work on it, splendid. You continue to work on your anxiety, he works on his anger, and you both get support for raising your daughter. But if your husband doesn’t admit or lies about this anger, if he has no interest in changing, or if he blames you for his anger (or worse, blames your daughter), then you must decide how long you want to expose yourself to a man who is emotionall­y and psychologi­cally toxic. — WPBloomber­g

 ??  ?? It’s never OK to yell at your kids - that it may happen, but it’s not OK.
It’s never OK to yell at your kids - that it may happen, but it’s not OK.

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