The Borneo Post

Pustaka Miri scoops awards in two different events


MIRI: Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, Miri ( Pustaka Miri) won second place in the Malaysian Libraries KIK Convention 2018 held in Melaka recently.

Jointly organised by the Melaka Public Library Corporatio­n, Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council and the Council of Directors, Malaysia Public Libraries, the convention was participat­ed by over 14 teams from all over Malaysia.

Pustaka Miri represente­d by the Miri i- Legion Group, presented a project called i-Nunjok which impressed the judges with its interactiv­e directory created using software available from the internet.

“The i-Nunjok helps visitors who come to Pustaka Miri to find the location they want to visit effectivel­y which also saves time and energy,” said a press release yesterday.

Pustaka Miri received RM2, 000, a trophy and a certificat­e.

In another competitio­n – Sarawak Zone Inclusive Invention Challenge Competitio­n, which took place on Nov 10 - 11 at the University College of Technology Sarawak, Sibu, Pustaka Miri also won second place.

Itsproject–KembaraIlm­u Module was presented by librarians Salina Zawawi and Ahmad Samsudin.

There were a total of 21 teams contesting in various categories in the competitio­n. Pustaka Miri which contested under the Private and Government Sector took home RM3, 000, a trophy and certificat­e.

 ??  ?? Pustaka Miri team scooped the second place of the Libraries KIK Convention Se-Malaysia 2018 held in Melaka recently.
Pustaka Miri team scooped the second place of the Libraries KIK Convention Se-Malaysia 2018 held in Melaka recently.

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