The Borneo Post

Foreign troops pour into PNG capital for APEC meet


PORT MORESBY: Papua New Guinea has deployed a multinatio­nal force of warships, fighter jets and elite counterter­rorism troops to protect world leaders attending a major summit in its crime-plagued capital this week.

About 4,000 military personnel, around half of them foreign, will work with hundreds of police to patrol Port Moresby for the AsiaPacifi­c Economic Cooperatio­n forum from Saturday, which will attract representa­tives from 21 nations.

Attendees are set to include China’s President Xi Jinping, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and US Vice President Mike Pence, who is not even expected to sleep in the city, but stay overnight in Australia.

Up to 15,000 delegates are expected at the summit. Due to a shortage of hotel accommodat­ion, many of them will bunk down on three cruise liners docked at the port, presenting additional security complicati­ons.

Although the threat posed by terrorism in PNG is considered minimal, the Melanesian country’s reputation for lawlessnes­s and violent crime precedes it.

About half the capital’s 300,000 people live in squatter settlement­s, and it was ranked fourth-last in this year’s Economist Intelligen­ce Unit list of the world’s most liveable cities.

Feared street gangs known as ‘raskols’ have made car jackings common and the country has among the highest rates of rape and domestic violence in the world.

To ensure delegates are safe, the government has enlisted military help from Australia, the United States and New Zealand.

Canberra is bankrollin­g much of the security operation.

It has sent a 1,500- strong Australian Defence Force (ADF) contingent, along with RAAF F/A-18 Super Hornet fighters, surveillan­ce aircraft and a helicopter carrier moored in Port Moresby harbour. Vessels from Australia, New Zealand and the US will guard the capital’s shores, and all three countries have provided special forces.

Working alongside them in an operation that has taken more than a year to plan will be about 2,000 Papua New Guinea troops.

A headline in the Post- Courier newspaper last week proclaimed an ‘APEC Invasion’, although Joint Security Task Force (JSTF) chief Commission­er Gari Baki told Port Moresby residents the foreign troops were nothing to worry about.

“I would like to reassure the community that they should not be alarmed,” he said, noting the internatio­nal force was ‘ here at our request’.

The government has passed laws allowing internatio­nal security personnel to use lethal force if necessary to deal with an ‘imminent threat’ during the summit.

Former PNG defence force chief Jerry Singirok has raised concerns the move impinges on the country’s sovereignt­y.

But Canberra-based military think tank the Australia Defence Associatio­n said if developing nations such as Papua New Guinea did not accommodat­e foreign security contributi­ons, they would never be able to host major events like the APEC summit.

“That wouldn’t be good from a strategic level or a political level,” executive director Neil James said.

The huge numbers of police and military in Port Moresby for the summit meant crime is ‘not going to be a problem’, he added.

The government views the summit as a rare opportunit­y to showcase Papua New Guinea to the world and attract investment to the poorest of APEC’s 21 member nations.

“It’s a major undertakin­g, but it’s very important when it comes to promoting the country economywis­e,” said Justin Tkatchenko, the minister responsibl­e for planning the summit. “We’ve never had leaders like this ... ever come to this area ... The whole world will be watching.”

 ?? — AFP photo ?? Australian warship HMAS Adelaide moored off APEC Haus in Port Moresby, the host city for the APEC summit.
— AFP photo Australian warship HMAS Adelaide moored off APEC Haus in Port Moresby, the host city for the APEC summit.
 ?? — AFP photo ?? Papua New Guinea emergency services on parade in Port Moresby, the host city for the APEC summit.
— AFP photo Papua New Guinea emergency services on parade in Port Moresby, the host city for the APEC summit.

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