The Borneo Post

New Zealand top court lets Kim Dotcom appeal US extraditio­n


We conclude that we have jurisdicti­on to entertain the proposed appeals.

WELLINGTON: New Zealand’s top court will hear Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom’s final appeal against extraditio­n to the US on fraud and online piracy charges, judges said yesterday.

The German national, who is accused of netting millions from his file- sharing empire, faces charges of racketeeri­ng, fraud and money laundering in the US, carrying jail terms of up to 20 years.

A panel of five Supreme Court judges unanimousl­y rejected an argument from lawyers representi­ng the US that they did not have the power to hear appeals from Dotcom and his three coaccused.

“We conclude that we have jurisdicti­on to entertain the proposed appeals,” they said in a written judgement.

The Supreme Court is Dotcom’s last avenue of legal appeal in New Zealand and had the judges accepted the US argument, he would have been out of options.

But the decision means he has one more chance to overturn a court ruling that he should be sent to the US to face charges.

The extraditio­n order has already been upheld by two appeal

Panel of five Supreme Court judges

courts in a marathon case that began when armed police raided Dotcom’s Auckland mansion in January 2012.

No date has yet been set for the Supreme Court appeal hearing.

The FBI-led case accuses Dotcom of industrial-scale online piracy via Megaupload, which US authoritie­s shut down when the raid took place.

They allege the file- sharing service netted more than US$ 175 million in criminal proceeds and cost copyright owners US$ 500 million-plus by offering pirated content, including films and music.

Dotcom and his co-accused – Finn Batato, Mathias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk – have denied any wrongdoing and say Megaupload was targeted because establishe­d interests were threatened by online innovation.

The website was an early example of cloud computing, allowing users to upload large files onto a server so others could easily download them without clogging up their email systems.

At its height in 2011, Megaupload claimed to have 50 million daily users and account for four per cent of the world’s internet traffic. — AFP

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Kim Dotcom

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