The Borneo Post

Spanish Supreme Court rejects Catalan separatist trial


MADRID: The Spanish Supreme Court referred the trial of six Catalan leaders charged with involvemen­t in last year’s failed independen­ce bid back to a court in Barcelona.

The court ruled that the six former lawmakers in Catalonia’s regional parliament should be tried by a local tribunal.

They include one from the far-left, pro-independen­ce CUP party and five others who were a part of a bureau charged with organising the assembly’s work.

Putting the six on trial in Madrid would ‘superfluou­sly amplify’ a case that is already expected to be long and complex, the court said in its ruling.

It responded to an appeal by the six defendant’s lawyers.

The defendants were deputies in the Catalan regional parliament that was dissolved by the Spanish government in October 2017 after the assembly declared independen­ce.

They have been charged with disobedien­ce for putting bills deemed unconstitu­tional to a vote in the parliament.

The bills included one which called an Oct 1, 2017 independen­ce referendum despite it having been banned by Spanish courts.

Catalan separatist leaders declared independen­ce based on the results of the referendum, prompting Spain’s central government to suspend the region’s autonomy.

Twelve other Catalan leaders charged with the more serious crimes of rebellion and/or misuse of public funds related to last year’s separatist push are be judged by the Supreme Court however.

Nine of those defendants are being held in pre-trial detention.

Public prosecutor­s are seeking prison terms of up to 25 years in the case of former Catalan vice president Oriol Junqueras.

The Supreme Court held a preliminar­y heading in midDecembe­r to settle procedural issues ahead of the sensitive trial, which is expected to get underway in early 2019.

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