The Borneo Post

‘Malaysia ideally placed to showcase unity, interfaith harmony’


PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia is ideally placed to showcase itself as a model of multi-racial unity, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Senator P Waythamoor­thy.

He said promoting understand­ing, cooperatio­n, tolerance and mutual respect between the different faiths in the country remain an important practice in establishi­ng the identity of Malaysia.

Speaking at the 2019 World Interfaith Harmony Week here yesterday, Waythamoor­thy said the need to practice all these positive values was not just for ‘ today or for this week’ but must be continued in our daily lives.

“The reality is diversity is something we should celebrate. We must strive to protect this environmen­t, and cherish and value the strong bond,” he said.

Waythamoor­thy said the recipe that harmonises all the people was goodwill that was embedded in every Malaysian to unite, accept, embrace and respect the different cultures and religious sensitivit­y of others.

“History has shown us that nations which fail to manage inter religious tensions have seen its people suffer conflicts which benefit no one. We must not let this happen in Malaysia,” he added.

About 120 people including religious leaders and academicia­ns attended the Interfaith Harmony Forum titled ‘ Love of God and Love of One’s Neighbour’.

The United Nations has declared the first week of February as World Interfaith Harmony Week between all religions, faiths and beliefs. — Bernama

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