The Borneo Post

American arrested in Myanmar had permission for ‘hemp plantation’ — Lawyer


YANGON: A US citizen facing narcotics charges in Myanmar had received official permission to establish a hemp plantation in the former royal capital, Mandalay, a lawyer for the American said yesterday.

After images of a field of cannabis plants at the plantation spread on Myanmar social media, police raided the 20- acre site on Wednesday and detained John Fredric Todoroki, 63, and two Myanmar nationals under an anti-narcotics law, according to a statement from anti- drug police.

Mandalay- based lawyer Thein Than Oo told Reuters the arrests were the result of a misunderst­anding, and that Todoroki had been up- front with local authoritie­s about the project to set up “industrial hemp production”.

“This plantation is an open-air plantation. There’s no secret,” said Thein Than Oo.

Reuters has reviewed a letter signed by a Mandalay regional official granting a company named IIIM permission to grow hemp, produce oil, and to dry and package hemp for export in an industrial zone.

Todoroki was doing research at the plantation for IIIM, Thein Than Oo said. Reuters was unable to reach representa­tives of IIIM.

Hemp refers to a cannabis plant with low levels of tetrahydro­cannabinol — one of the psychoacti­ve chemicals in marijuana – that is grown for its fibres or for an oil believed to provide health benefits.

It is unclear whether Myanmar law distinguis­hes hemp from marijuana. Courts in Myanmar regularly hand down lengthy jail sentences for possession of the narcotic.

“There’s never been a case like this in Myanmar,” Thein Than Oo said.

Police said they discovered equipment, chemicals and nearly 350,000 plants at the plantation, along with 1,804 grammes of “marijuana oil” and 270 kilogramme­s of “marijuana”.

Zaw Win, a local administra­tor, said he should have received a copy of any permission letter for the plantation, but had not.

“Police are now investigat­ing according to police procedure,” he said.

Lawyer Thein Than Oo said Todoroki had contacted him before his arrest out of concern the social media posts would draw the attention of authoritie­s.

Thein Than Oo had set up a meeting between Todoroki and the chief minister of Mandalay to explain the project, he said, but the American was arrested before the meeting could take place.

Reuters was unable to reach officials in the Mandalay regional government on Friday.

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