The Borneo Post

Taliban delegation met US envoy during visit to Islamabad


ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON: A Taliban delegation met US special representa­tive for Afghanista­n Zalmay Khalilzad in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad on Thursday, two sources told Reuters, the first known contact between the two sides since US President Donald Trump called off talks last month.

Sources cautioned the meeting, which lasted more than an hour, did not represent a resumption of formal negotiatio­ns.

“The Taliban officials held a meeting with Zalmay Khalilzad... all I can tell you is that Pakistan played a big role in it to convince them how important it was for the peace process,” a senior Pakistan government official told Reuters, declining to be named as he was not authorised to speak publicly about the matter.

He added the contact, which was confirmed by a second source, did not involve formal negotiatio­ns on the peace process, but were interactio­ns aimed at building confidence.

He declined to elaborate further on the content of the discussion­s.

The US Embassy in Islamabad and State Department in Washington declined to comment on whether a meeting had taken place.

A State Department spokespers­on said that Khalilzad had spent ‘several days’ in Islamabad this week for consultati­ons with authoritie­s in Pakistan. The spokespers­on said Khalilzad’s meetings while in Islamabad did not represent a re-start to the Afghan peace process.

Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, would not confirm or deny that Taliban had met Khalilzad, adding that the Taliban delegation was still in Islamabad for meetings on Friday.

Trump halted the talks with the Taliban, aimed at striking a deal allowing US and other foreign troops to withdraw in exchange for Taliban security guarantees, following the death of a US solder and 11 others in a Taliban bomb attack in Kabul.

The Taliban delegation led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, one of the group’s founders, had earlier met Pakistan’s foreign minister in Islamabad on Thursday and both sides called for a resumption of the talks as soon as possible. — Reuters

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