The Borneo Post

Ling: CNY decoration­s not religious propaganda


MIRI: Chinese New Year decorative items are not religious propaganda and the people should not succumb to extremism but must be moderate in their a itude in the effort to maintain peace and religious tolerance in the country.

Senator Alan Ling said this a er teachers who are members of Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) were rumoured to have threatened legal action against a school in Puchong for pu ing up Chinese New Year (CNY) decoration­s at their premises earlier this week.

“The uniqueness and strength of Malaysia is its people – diverse in race, culture and religion, living in peace and harmony. These have to be strengthen­ed in the spirit of peaceful coexistenc­e. Malaysians have been celebratin­g festive occasions together for decades, and the tradition must continue.

“Do not succumb to extremism. I believe the moderate way is the only way for our country, which is made up of different races, to move forward,” he said a er handing over CNY decorative items to SK Tudan yesterday.

Ling, who is also PH Sarawak secretary, said the cabinet had, during a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, discussed the issue and found that the school did not cause religious tension by pu ing up CNY decoration­s.

He added the government viewed seriously the actions by certain parties or individual­s that have stirred racial and religious issues.

All like-minded Malaysians, he said, disagreed with racist and extremist a itudes of certain individual­s as it undermines racial unity in the country.

“Festivals are a cultural celebratio­n. It is the colour of multiracia­l which makes Malaysia truly Asia.

“This year is ‘ Visit Malaysia Year’. We should uphold diversity and respect one another to showcase to the world that we are living as one with tolerance and in harmony.”

Ling said he was ‘inspired’ by the incident in Puchong and wanted to do something in Sarawak to show that Sarawakian­s can set a good example for other parts of Malaysia and the world, in leading the moderate, liberal and peaceful ways of living.

“That is why today (yesterday) I sought sponsorshi­p from SuperSave Group of Companies on CNY decoration­s for a school, which they immediatel­y agreed to contribute.

“We chose SK Tudan because despite being a non-Chinese majority school, the school welcomes the decoration­s, as it will enable students of different races to know the festival be er. This will also help to promote be er understand­ing among the multiracia­l students,” he said.

Chairman of Komuniti Harapan Malaysia for Senadin Marcus Hugo and SK Tudan headmistre­ss Rohani Ismail were among those at the presentati­on ceremony.

 ??  ?? (Standing from eighth le ) Ling, Rohani and Marcus, together with teachers and students hold the CNY decorative items a er the presentati­on ceremony.
(Standing from eighth le ) Ling, Rohani and Marcus, together with teachers and students hold the CNY decorative items a er the presentati­on ceremony.

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