The Borneo Post

Covid-19: One death, 78 new cases reported nationwide yesterday


KUCHING: Another death from Covid-19 was reported yesterday, three days after the latest casualty was recorded bringing the total number of deaths to 115.

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the latest death involved a 65 year old man with a history of diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney problems.

“The latest death involving Case 3,616 was admitted to Sungai Buluh Hoepital on April 3 and reported to have passed away on May 21 at 2.58pm.

“This brings the total number of deaths to 115 or 1.6 percent of the total cases,” he said at his daily update on the national Covid-19 situation in Putrajaya yesterday.

He also reported that Malaysia as of 12pm yesterday recorded 78 new positive cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number to 7,137.

From these cases, 25 were imported cases. He also said that of the 53 local transmissi­on cases, 40 of them were foreigners including 25 from the new cluster at the Bukit Jalil Immigratio­n Depot.

“From the 7,137 total cases, there are 1,163 active cases with infectivit­y potential.

“Nine patients are still being treated in Intensive Care Units (ICUs), with five of them requiring respirator­y support,” he added.

On another note, he said the number of people who have recovered from Covid-19 in Malaysia yesterday was 63 people.

This brings the total number of recoveries to 5,859 or 82.1 per cent of all cases detected.

He also called on Malaysians to observe and comply with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) when celebratin­g the Hari Raya Aidilfitri tomorrow (May 24).

He said Malaysians should not ‘balik kampung’ if it involves inter-state movement, or venture out of district boundaries in Sarawak, in line with the SOPs for the festivity.

“If possible, don’t accept visitors to your house during Hari Raya. Confine it to your family members.

“What we worry is the asymptomat­ic persons out there who may spread the disease to others,” he said, adding new norms such as social distancing, wearing of face masks and sanitising of hands must be practiced.

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