The Borneo Post

Iraqi prime minister to meet Trump with US troops on the agenda


WASHINGTON: Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi will meet US President Donald Trump for the first time in Washington on Thursday, with the presence of American troops in the country at the top of his agenda.

The meeting comes as attacks on American targets by proIranian fighters have been on the rise, and with Tehran and Washington competing for influence in Iraq, the gulf between pro-Iranian factions and Baghdad’s US-friendly premier is growing.

Kadhemi, who took office in May, faces challenges from factions of the Hashed alShaabi, a coalition of Iraqi Shiite paramilita­ry groups with close ties to Iran.

The Hashed al-Shaabi is officially integrated into the Iraqi state, and its political representa­tives have called for the expulsion of the 5,000 US troops deployed in the country as part of anti-jihadist efforts.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that “armed groups not under the full control of the prime minister have impeded our progress,” calling for them to “be replaced by local police as soon as possible.”

Pompeo – who was speaking at a press conference with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein – appeared to be referring to Shiite paramilita­ry groups, though he did not identify them by name.

Asked about the plan for cutting the 5,000 US troops now in Iraq, Pompeo said he had no numbers and urged people “not to focus on that.”

On the troop issue, a senior administra­tion official said: “There are no hard fast timelines, and there are no hard fast numbers but that certainly would be part of the discussion, as we evaluate what Iraq security requiremen­ts are, and what the United States believes it can do.”

The official described “armed groups” as “a persistent problem that challenges Iraqi security, has threatened US forces’ interests in the region, and certainly it’s a challenge to Iraq sovereignt­y.”

“We think that Iraq’s internal security needs are best met by forces that are, first and foremost, under the sovereign control the government of Iraq,” the official said.

Pro-Iranian factions were hit hard by Washington’s assassinat­ion in January of one of their top chiefs, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, in a strike that also killed top Iranian commander General Qasem Soleimani.

The Hashed al-Shaabi denies any connection to a recent spate of anti-US attacks, but videos and claims on social media hint at its involvemen­t, through groups operating under other names.

Kadhemi has angered armed groups by seizing border posts where they ran lucrative smuggling networks and imposed taxes on traders.

Attacks have risen in recent weeks, with the Iraqi army reporting another rocket attack on Tuesday evening targeting Baghdad airport, where US troops are based.

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