The Borneo Post

UCTS to host IPID-Asia online school


SIBU: University College of Technology Sarawak (UCTS), Tallinn University (Estonia) and Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) (Namibia) will host an IPID-Asia Online School from Nov 2 till 4.

In a press statement yesterday, UCTS said the aim was to gather postgradua­te students and early career researcher­s in the area of Informatio­n and Communicat­ion Technology for Developmen­t (ICT4D).

“The school will focus on prospects, conditions and impacts related to the ICT4D in terms of broader social, ethical, cultural as well as economic developmen­ts.

“The online school will be conducted via Zoom and is hosting 20 participan­ts from Malaysia, Indonesia, Finland, Namibia, USA, United Kingdom, Pakistan and India,” it said.

The facilitato­rs include academicia­ns from Agder University Norway, University of Waikato (New Zealand), Comsats University Pakistan, University College of Technology Sarawak, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Sheffield Hallam University (UK), University of Toronto (Canada), and Carl von Ossietzky Universitä­t Oldenburg (Germany), it added.

The statement said Internatio­nal Network for Postgradua­te Students in the area of ICT4D (IPID) is a Swedish Programme for ICT in Developing Regions (Spider) research network operating worldwide.

The network has over 1,000 registered members consisting of graduate students, researcher­s and practition­ers. The online school is sponsored by Swedish Internatio­nal Developmen­t Cooperatio­n Agency (Spider/Sida).

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