The Borneo Post

Mile 7 roadside hawkers urged to trade at parking lot near wet market


KUCHING: All hawkers at Mile 7 who run their business by the roadside are encouraged to do so at the location provided by Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) to avoid causing traffic congestion, said council chairman Lo Khere Chiang.

He said MPP has approved a special place, namely the parking lot behind the row of shops near the Mile 7 wet market, for these hawkers to trade.

“The place will be taken care of by the organisers comprising the hawkers themselves. We especially urge traders not to trade on the side of the road which will cause congestion not only for traffic flow but the route to the wet market here.

“As a matter of fact, we received complaints from shop owners and traders in the bazaar market, that they were not very happy with this matter because it disturbed the route,” he said during a visit to the Mile 7 hawker centre yesterday.

Lo said the car park site was allocated to the hawkers involved to not only help reduce traffic congestion but also to ensure they trade in a more organised manner.

He said the traders were only charged RM80 a month by the organisers at the place which is considerab­ly cheaper than hawker centers or farmers’ markets in other areas.

Lo, who is also Batu Kitang assemblyma­n, cited Kuching City Mall night market traders who have to pay monthly rent of RM540 (with canopy) and RM240 (without canopy).

“This price is much better than other areas. The organisers will take care of and collect the fees and it is intended for them to maintain compliance with the standard operating procedures ( SOP) on matters such as sanitation and hygiene practices.

“If there is no organised business here, Mile 7 will seem to have no law and everyone can do business by the roadside at will,” he said.

Lo acknowledg­ed that while some traders may find it difficult to trade in the place provided to them, he said this was only temporary as the government has made long-term planning to build better premises for them.

“In the meantime, this (parking lot) is a suitable place for hawkers and in the long run, we will build a better place maybe equipped with facilities like internet, which is still in the planning stage,” he said.

 ??  ?? Lo (centre, holding paper) during his visit to the Mile 7 wet market yesterday.
Lo (centre, holding paper) during his visit to the Mile 7 wet market yesterday.

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