The Borneo Post

Egypt unveils 3,000-year-old ‘lost’ city near Luxor


LUXOR, Egypt: Archaeolog­ists Saturday showed off their finds at what they say is the “largest” ancient city ever found in Egypt, dating to a golden age of the pharaohs 3,000 years ago.

At the site near Luxor, home of the legendary Valley of the Kings, workers carefully carried ancient pots and showed human and animal remains dug up from the earth as members of the media toured around curved brick walls and rudimentar­y streets.

“This is a large city that was lost. It was connected with the god Aton and Amenhotep III,” famed Egyptologi­st Zahi Hawass enthusiast­ically told reporters Saturday.

“We found three major districts: one for administra­tion, one for workers to sleep in and another for industry,” he said.

Spaces include workshops for drying meat, making clothes and sandals, and crafting amulets and small statues.

Mostafa Waziri, head of the country’s Supreme Council of Antiquitie­s said the site was not limited to buildings.

“We can see... economic activity, workshops and ovens,” he said.

Hawass had announced earlier this week the discovery of a ‘lost golden city’, and the archaeolog­ical team said the find was ‘the largest’ ancient city ever uncovered in Egypt.

“We found one portion of the city only,” Hawass told AFP Saturday.

“The city extends to the west and the north.”

The team began excavation­s in September between the temples of Ramses III and Amenhotep III near Luxor, some 500 kilometres south of Cairo.

Amenhotep III inherited an empire that stretched from the Euphrates River in modern Iraq and Syria to Sudan and died around 1354 BC, ancient historians say.

He ruled for nearly four decades, a reign known for its opulence and the grandeur of its monuments, including the Colossi of Memnon — two massive stone statues near Luxor that represent him and his wife.

Betsy Bryan, professor of Egyptian art and archaeolog­y at Johns Hopkins University, had said in a statement this week that the find was the ‘second most important archaeolog­ical discovery since the tomb of Tutankhamu­n’ nearly a century ago.

“The archaeolog­ical layers have laid untouched for thousands of years, left by the ancient residents as if it were yesterday,” the team’s statement said.

Archaeolog­ists have unearthed items of jewellery, coloured pottery vessels, scarab beetle amulets and mud bricks bearing seals of Amenhotep III.

Hawass said ‘a large fish covered in gold’ may have been venerated.

Jose Galan, head of a separate Spanish archaeolog­ical mission near the Valley of the Kings, told AFP Saturday that the site was ‘a fantastic discovery’.

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 ?? — AFP photo ?? A view of a 3,000 year old city, dubbed The Rise of Aten, dating to the reign of Amenhotep III, uncovered by the Egyptian mission near Luxor.
— AFP photo A view of a 3,000 year old city, dubbed The Rise of Aten, dating to the reign of Amenhotep III, uncovered by the Egyptian mission near Luxor.

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