The Borneo Post

Dodol daun palas an alltime favourite Ramadan, Aidilfitri delicacy


MARANG: Kampung Batangan situated in Marang, some 25 kilometres from Kuala Terengganu, is famous for its ‘dodol daun palas’ and for generation­s, the production of this sweet, sticky concoction stuffed in fan palm leaves has become a profitable business for the villagers here.

Rojini Razak, 46, who is involved in this heritage delicacy business, said the rich creamy flavour of the dodol mixed with the aroma of smoked palm leaves is very much sought after during Ramadan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

“In the past, there were about 15 of us actively involved in the production of this delicacy in the village.

“However currently only six have remained in the business, as the knowledge and skill in making this traditiona­l food was not passed down to the next generation and eventually they could not continue the legacy,” she said when met by Bernama at her home in Kampung Batangan.

Rojini, who inherited the dodol daun palas business from her late mother Esah Mamat in 2014, said to maintain the quality and taste of the dodol, the cooking and stirring process would usually last up to eight hours.

In addition, she said dodol cooked over a charcoal stove is much tastier and does not burn easily compared with modern stovetops.

“Earlier, some traders chose to use dodol-processing machines but soon after that they had to sell the appliances because customers could tell the difference and rejected the machine-produced dodol,” said Rojini, who is the fourth generation to inherit the family enterprise.

Besides that, she said the palm leaves used to wrap the dodol must be wiped clean and dry to avoid fast mold growth on the dodol.

Rojini, who runs the business with her husband Mazlan Abdullah, 52, only cooks one large pot of dodol twice a week as it also takes some time to gather the palm leaves, smoke-dry them and wrap the dodol.

“Each big pot produces 4,000 pieces of dodol daun palas which are sold at 18 sen each,” the mother of six said, adding she could earn about RM2,400 a month. — Bernama

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