The Borneo Post

Israel PM gives security forces free rein after deadly Tel Aviv attack


TEL AVIV: Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett gave security agencies “full freedom” Friday to curb a surge in violence, after a Palestinia­n gunman killed three men in a popular nightlife district.

“There are not and will not be limits for this war,” Bennett said, speaking hours after Thursday night’s attack in the coastal city of Tel Aviv.

“We are granting full freedom of action to the army, the Shin Bet (the domestic security agency) and all security forces in order to defeat the terror,” he said.

The Palestinia­n Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and the Islamic Jihad group praised the attack – drawing criticism from the UN – but did not claim responsibi­lity.

After an all-night manhunt, Israeli police said they shot dead a Palestinia­n gunman who had opened fire on a street of crowded bars and restaurant­s, killing three people and wounding more than a dozen others.

About 1,000 heavily armed police and army troops had fanned out across Tel Aviv to track the assailant, as residents cowered in restaurant kitchens or their homes.

Defence Minister Benny Gantz said officers had made “around 200 arrests”, adding: “If necessary there will be thousands.”

Engagement party becomes wake

Israeli childhood friends Tomer Morad and Eytam Magini, both 27, were killed during the attack.

On Friday the third victim, Barak Lufan, died of his injuries, Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital said.

Magini was due to celebrate his engagement Friday, his fiancee’s mother, Lia Arad, told public television.

“They were supposed to celebrate their engagement party tonight, Eytam’s cousins organised it in this house where we are now sitting in mourning,” she said.

Morad was an avid fan of the Hapoel Tel Aviv Basketball Club, which said in a condolence note it sent “a warm and loving hug”.

The two friends are to be buried Sunday.

Special forces confronted the attacker in the old city of Jaffa, the historic Arab district of Tel Aviv, “eliminatin­g the terrorist by exchange of fire”, police commission­er Yaakov Shabtai said.

The Shin Bet named him as Raad Hazem, 28, from Jenin in the north of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, where last week Israeli forces killed three people in a raid.

Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi ordered the military to step up its operations, particular­ly in the northern West Bank. Bennett ordered the closure of the Jalameh checkpoint between the Jenin area and Israel.

A total of 13 people have been killed in attacks in Israel since March 22, including some carried out by assailants linked to or inspired by the Islamic State group.

Over the same period, at least nine Palestinia­ns have been killed, including assailants.

Palestinia­n president Mahmud Abbas condemned the latest attack, saying “the killing of Palestinia­n and Israeli civilians only leads to a further deteriorat­ion of the situation,” the Palestinia­ns’ official Wafa news agency reported.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States stood with Israel “in the face of senseless terrorism and violence”.

Fathi Hazem, the attacker’s father, struck a defiant tone speaking to hundreds of wellwisher­s at the family home in Jenin. He said the Palestinia­ns people were looking for “freedom and independen­ce”.

Hamas praised what it called a “heroic operation”, while Islamic Jihad, another Gazabased militant group, called it a “natural response” to Israel’s crimes. Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah lauded a “victorious” attack.

The UN envoy for Middle East peace, Tor Wennesland, denounced a “heinous attack” and criticised Hamas in a tweet.

“Deplore the welcoming of the attack by Hamas. There is no glory in terrorism,” he said.

 ?? ?? Tear gas canisters are fired from an Israeli military vehicle near the Palestinia­n refugee camp of Jenin in the occupied West Bank. — AFP photo
Tear gas canisters are fired from an Israeli military vehicle near the Palestinia­n refugee camp of Jenin in the occupied West Bank. — AFP photo

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