The Borneo Post

FastJobs to expand FastGig app to rest of Malaysia in 3Q


KUALA LUMPUR: Tech-driven job platform FastJobs Malaysia plans to expand FastGig, a mobile app launched earlier this year, to the rest of Malaysia in the third quarter of 2022.

FastGig, which combines technology with industry insights to provide seamless hiring for both Malaysian employers and job seekers, currently has over 1.4 million registered job seekers and more than 20,000 brands.

FastJobs managing director Joelle Pang said the platform is dedicated to connecting gig workers and freelancer­s with forward-looking employers and businesses to facilitate the growth and success of this new segment of the economy.

“The gig economy is expected to provide Malaysia with sustainabl­e and inclusive economic growth.

“In the 12th Malaysia Plan for 2021-2025, the gig economy is included, and the government is taking steps to regulate the sector to ensure worker welfare,” she said in a statement yesterday.

In Malaysia, more than 26 per cent of the workforce, or about four million freelancer­s, are now part of the gig economy.

Pang noted that with FastGig, gig workers can select jobs based on their preferred locations, companies, and scopes of work based on their schedules and skills.

Furthermor­e, she said, FastGig provides gig workers with peace of mind by allowing only validated job postings to ensure that there are no frauds or disreputab­le jobs listed on the app.

“A tiered-pay system is also available with flexi-jobs since incentives are often added on top of the base salary.

“Depending on the number and frequency of gigs they completed, freelancer­s may expect to receive payment on a bi-weekly basis from FastGig,” she added.

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