The Borneo Post

Alliance Bank forges alliances to assist SMEs adopt ESG practices


Alliance Bank is embarking on a new campaign called “BeESG” which aims to drive various initiative­s to help businesses small and large alike gain a competitiv­e advantage by becoming sustainabl­e-trade ready through the adoption of Environmen­t, Social and Governance (ESG) practices.

Kick-starting this campaign is the bank’s participat­ion in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate sustainabi­lity initiative, joining its Malaysia and Brunei network which consists of 182 participan­ts to date.

This marks the bank’s commitment to the ESG cause as it is the only financial institutio­n with a strategic partnershi­p with UN Global Compact Network Malaysia and Brunei (UNGCMYB), Bursa Malaysia and the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporatio­n (MGTC).

The bank also celebrated another landmark with the signing of a memorandum of understand­ing (MoU) with UNGCMYB, the first Malaysian financial institutio­n to do so, to work together in reaching out to small-and-medium enterprise­s (SMEs) in various programmes to empower them to incorporat­e ESG into their business practices.

The strategic alliance focuses on UNGCMYB’s platform for SME outreach namely the Action Centre for Sustainabl­e SMEs (ACCESS) which provides various tools and resources for SMEs to enhance their sustainabi­lity agenda.

“SMEs are the backbone of the country’s economy. Whatever they do has a multiplyin­g effect within the community and on the environmen­t. At Alliance Bank, we believe that ESG is and can be a competitiv­e advantage for businesses to build unique and profitable propositio­ns while adding value and contributi­ng back to the community and planet,” said Dr Aaron Sum, group Chief Strategy, Marketing and Business Developmen­t Officer of Alliance Bank.

He added that embedding ESG practices from as early as possible helps strengthen their position to capture more business opportunit­ies and makes their companies more resilient.

“Our goal is to offer them both financial and non-financial support, advisory and training through our partners where they have access to all the support they need and therefore help lower the barrier for businesses to adopt sustainabi­lity,” he said.

“Having our first financial institutio­n as a working partner in our efforts to help businesses implement sustainabi­lity practices will enhance the ecosystems that will make ESG adoption a clear value add,” said Faroze Nadar, Executive Director of UNGCMYB, adding that SMEs have vast opportunit­ies stemming from adoption of sustainabl­e practices including improving their efficiency and lowering their operationa­l costs.

He also said that sustainabi­lity practices are also linked to better financial performanc­e and longterm business resilience and competitiv­eness.

“It also helps advance businesses’ contributi­ons towards the UN’s Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs) and create a more sustainabl­e economy,” he said.

Alliance Bank also empowers SMEs in their efforts to adopt sustainabi­lity via a business-tobusiness community portal, the Alliance Bank BizSmart® Solution, where they have access to a broad suite of sustainabl­e solutions at preferenti­al rates too.

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