The Borneo Post

M’sia at 60: Don’t stop believing in her potential

- Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz * Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz is Malaysia’s Internatio­nal Trade and Industry Minister

I WAS born in 1973, when Malaysia was just 10. Despite the ups and downs in our journey towards mature nationhood, my faith in Malaysia has never dimmed all these years. After all, nationbuil­ding is a work that spans across generation­s and is always a work in progress. I have faith that it will emerge not only as a home for all its sons and daughters, but also as a force for good in this world.

This Malaysia Day, I want to share five pieces of ‘food for thought’ with my fellow Malaysians as we negotiate the challenges ahead.

Diversity is a strength

First, apart from our strategic position and our natural resources, our people and their multiracia­l, multifaith character also contribute to our strength as a nation.

Dozens of ethnic groups and religions have lived together on our shores for centuries. This should be something we cherish—but we could lose it all very quickly if we don’t nip the growing polarisati­on in the bud. Indeed, we still have a long way to go to make our country a home for all its people.

But here’s the hard truth: the world today is locked in a fierce competitio­n for talent. That, more than mineral or financial or military heft, is what will ultimately determine whether nations—including our own—will rise or fall.

But if we give in to our primordial fears, or the temptation to pander to one group, we will deprive ourselves of the combined strength, wisdom and drive of all our people. That would be a disservice to our current and future generation­s, regardless of race.

Rather, Malaysia must be governed together by all its people. Everyone must feel like they have a stake in its destiny and contribute to it.

Walking the talk on inclusiven­ess

Second, our multiracia­l feature must be celebrated. Our country’s plans and policies must become more inclusive. Aid programs must shift gradually to needs-based regimes.

All Malaysians who are in need, whether they are in Teluk Intan or Tenom, deserve to be helped. And all Malaysians deserve equality of opportunit­ies.

If we refuse to accept this, it will be like fielding a football team where 4 of the 11 players have their legs broken—a recipe for disaster!

Moderation must be defended

This does not mean that we are giving up on the Bumiputra empowermen­t agenda. But rather, we must recognise that intraethni­c equality is now a challenge just as much as interethni­c.

Ultimately, ensuring Bumiputras can succeed on their own should be the goal; rather than the defence of affirmativ­e action at all costs; ignoring how much the world and its economy have changed.

And we must preserve diversity within our own ethnic group.

Besides what is provided for in the Federal Constituti­on, no one has a monopoly on defining what it is to be a Malay.

We are made up of a wide variety of background­s and worldviews.

This has been possible because,

despite our diverse origins, Malays are generally moderates at heart. Moderation is the core of the socio-cultural psyche and indeed, the Muslim faith.

I believe moderation is what most Malaysians share, and this must not be lost due to politics or fanaticism. Because what is really at stake is not the careers of certain politician­s but our people’s very survival.

Unity matters to the economy

Third: unity matters to the economy. Investors, in this era of geopolitic­al fragmentat­ion, treasure stability.

Investment­s, both foreign and domestic, will only flow to countries that are peaceful and politicall­y stable.

Trying to turn Malaysia into a monocultur­al nation may scare investors. We must realise that our multiracia­lism contribute­s to, rather than exists independen­tly of our economic success.

Greater understand­ing needed

Fourth: we need more understand­ing between both parts of our country: the Peninsula, as well as Sabah and Sarawak.

Sixty years is a long time to be together, but we could get to know each other better, especially those in the Peninsula regarding East Malaysia.

It is ironic how we sometimes feel more “Malaysian” when we are abroad but automatica­lly revert to our racial groups back home.

The Unity Government is working to also address this issue. For instance, in the New Industrial Masterplan (NIMP) 2030, one of the Action Plans of the Mission 4 (which is to safeguard economic security and inclusivit­y) calls for a better distributi­on of industrial developmen­t between all States, regardless of the state government’s political affiliatio­n.

This includes strengthen­ing downstream­ing and renewable energy (RE) in Sabah, as well as helping to position Sarawak as a hydrogen economy leader and coordinati­ng with Perlis to develop agricultur­e (food processing), biotechnol­ogy RE and mining.

Just as we must recognise the challenge of intra-ethnic inequality, so too, must we be cognisant of economic inequaity between states.

Let’s be constructi­ve

Finally, Malaysians must become more constructi­ve. The last couple of years have demoralise­d many Malaysians, no thanks to unedifying politics.

However, if we are to thrive, Malaysians must be more invested in regaining our sense of national self, and pride in our nationhood.

No government or its plans will succeed if great swathes of our public are locked in cynicism or fear of the other.

There have been times when needed reforms were sabotaged simply because there was an unwillingn­ess to give-and-take, or to commit to short-term pain for long-term gain.

We must have faith in ourselves

There is a need to focus on the future and on Malaysia’s strengths.

We must not be bogged down by a sense of pessimism and nagging negativity. We must believe that there is nothing wrong with Malaysia that cannot be cured with what is right about Malaysia.

Our destiny is as a multicultu­ral nation, at peace with itself, proud of its identities but also open to the world. We already have what it takes for a successful Malaysia, but what is needed now is faith—in ourselves.

Investment inflow for the first quarter of 2023 was up almost 60% year-on-year. If investors, both foreign and domestic, have faith in our country, why can’t we?

I believe we can achieve our MADANI Economy aspiration­s. As I said, my faith in Malaysia remains undimmed and it ever will be. I am optimistic that if we are willing to put in the hard work- we can shape a future that we can all be proud of.

So, my concluding message to all Malaysians: keep the faith in our motherland that offers so much potential. Happy 60th Birthday Malaysia—and here’s to many more!

 ?? — Bernama photo ?? Tengku Zafrul speaking at the launch of the New Industrial Masterplan Plan 2030 in Kuala Lumpur recently.
— Bernama photo Tengku Zafrul speaking at the launch of the New Industrial Masterplan Plan 2030 in Kuala Lumpur recently.

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