The Borneo Post

Karbon Hero signs MOU with Carbon RX to advance carbon credit devt in M’sia


KUALA LUMPUR: Karbon Hero and Carbon RX, the Canadian carbon solution provider have signed a strategic partnershi­p memorandum of understand­ing (MOU), to share knowledge, expertise, and to further promote the developmen­t of high-quality carbon credits across Southeast Asia and the North America.

The MOU was jointly signed by Dr Sarah Shahril, chief executive officer of Karbon Hero and Marty Seymour, chief executive officer of Carbon RX.

“Through this partnershi­p, we have gained access to invaluable expertise that will allow us to expand our horizons and provide even greater assistance to our local voluntary carbon market.

“With the growing momentum of decarboniz­ing hydrocarbo­n production and regenerati­ve agricultur­e projects in Malaysia, we are eager to collaborat­e with Carbon RX to create a more promising future for the ecosystem and local community,” said Sarah.

Both parties will strengthen work of decarbonis­ing key transforma­tion sectors. By leveraging Carbon RX’s expertise in decarbonis­ing hydrocarbo­n production and regenerati­ve agricultur­e, Karbon Hero can increase its regional reach across Asia, and create added value across its diverse client base.

As part of the partnershi­p, Karbon Hero will offer technical support in the developmen­t of renewable energy crediting solutions with its innovative micro-offset ethodologi­es to Carbon RX.

“The most effective way to build a sustainabl­e carbon economy is to work together and leverage expertise. Canada has become a leader in decarboniz­ing hydrocarbo­n production as well as regenerati­ve agricultur­e practices.

“Expanding our technologi­cal expertise to Malaysia is the driver behind this MOU, and Karbon Hero offered great compliment­ary sector support in renewable energy,” said Marty.

This partnershi­p will further strengthen both Karbon Hero and Carbon RX’s efforts toward the developmen­t of high-quality carbon offsets for the issuance of carbon credits.

It also acts as an affirmatio­n that both companies are dedicated in paving the way of a brighter and more resilient future through democratis­ing the creation of carbon credits, bringing trust, reliabilit­y and most importantl­y accessibil­ity to the voluntary carbon market.

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