The Star Malaysia - Star2

Colourful storage boxes for kids

- By Ellen Whyte

ARE your children magpies for magazines, folders of notes, artwork, and pictures? Keeping it all tidy and neat can be a problem – especially if the young ones aren’t too fussy about their bedroom being tidy! Encourage children to keep their possession­s organised by making these handy, cheap storage boxes.

Simple method for young kids: What you need:

– Empty cereal box – Scissors – Wrapping paper – Glue


Cut the top off the cereal box. With a ruler, mark a place halfway across the top on both sides. Draw a line from this point at a 45° down to the front. Draw a line across the front of the box to join the two lines. Now cut along the line.

You should have a sturdy box with a little peek-a-boo side so you can see the corner of the magazine.

Cut the wrapping paper to size and

glue to the box. Let it dry.

More challengin­g and artistic method for older children:

What you need:

– Empty cereal box – Scissors – Fine sand paper – Two or more colours of spray paint – Stencil paper or bought stencils


Follow the same instructio­ns for cutting the box to shape as above. Sand the box very lightly to remove the gloss. Spray carefully with your favourite base colour. Let it dry.

Make your own stencils by drawing on thick paper and cutting out the shape. Or buy stencils in a craft shop.

When the box is dry, lay stencils over the box and spray with a second colour. If you’re feeling fancy, use a variety of stencils and colours.

Tip: If you are artistic, dispense with the stencils and paint your designs directly on to the box. If you make a mistake, just paint over it and start again.

 ??  ?? The storage boxes you make may not be as beautiful as these but they still serve their purpose.
The storage boxes you make may not be as beautiful as these but they still serve their purpose.

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