The Star Malaysia - Star2



gemini (may 21 to June 21): you will tend to be a little touchy. Could it be because it is a Monday, and you are never really enthused on Monday mornings? Try to avoid doing or saying something that you will regret, later on. cancer (June 22 to July 23): Today will be filled with silly little matters which all add up to stop you from doing the things you want to do. The good news is, you will sort them out and get moving again. leo (July 24 to aug 23): Today brings the right stars for complicati­ng matters and since it is a Monday, chances are, it is your finances. you have to allot money for each day and ensure it works out. Virgo (aug 24 to sept 23): The news you want to hear before you start work is that the Moon in her first quarter falls in your sign. normally, this is no bother but today being a work day, it will complicate matters. libra (sept 24 to oct 23): The stars today activate your twelfth angle. This is the angle which brings silly mistakes and obstacles you can do without. Sounds like you are about to start the week on the wrong foot. scorpio (oct 24 to nov 22): There are good stars for being with friends and associates. one work matter after another will make today trying, but the company of friends will ease the pressures of the day. sagittariU­s (nov 23 to dec 22): The first quarter of the Moon falls in your angle of work and prestige. This is good because the Moon brings a nice ego boost which we all can enjoy on the first day of the working week. capricorn (dec 23 to Jan 20): Something will happen to call on the higher part of your brain. It’s hard to say just what will happen, but very often people get interested in science documentar­ies on TV and other sorts that make you think. aQUariUs (Jan 21 to feb 19): you have the right stars for people to place obstacles in your path. as if it isn’t enough to have to face another week, someone has to go out of their way to make life more difficult for you. you will sort it out. pisces (feb 20 to march 20): you were hoping for a nice quiet day, but when you get in to work you will find your desk piled high with stuff you have to do by yesterday. Sometimes life can be like that. aries (march 21 to april 20): your angle of work and toil will be activated today, so you can expect to be busy all day. This is not what you had in mind for the first day of the week, you were hoping for some time in which to do your own chores. taUrUs (april 21 to may 20): your love stars will be activated today. Here’s where Murphy’s Law comes to play as the weekend, although not a barren wasteland for love, but it wasn’t far off. Monday comes and there is excellent love prospects but you have to work.

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