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Microbes of Mars?

Ancient lake on mars could have teemed with microbial life, nasa claims.


AN ENORMOUS crater near the northern plains of Mars once harboured an ancient lake that could have supported microbial life, Nasa scientists claim.

The freshwater lake stood for more than one hundred thousand years at the base of Gale Crater, a 150km-wide formation that was created when a meteor punched into the red planet around 3.7 billion years ago.

Tests on rock samples by Nasa’s Curiosity rover revealed the presence of fine clay minerals that formed in a standing body of water, and coarse-grained sandstones laid down by river flows that drained into the lake.

“The presence of these minerals tells us the water was likely to be fresh water, which means it’s much more conducive for microbial life,” said Sanjeev Gupta, a geologist at Imperial College, London, and a member of the Curiosity science team.

“These rocks are similar to those we would find if we walked along the Dorset or Devon coastline,” he added.

The Nasa team is not sure how deep or wide the lake was, but suspect it was deep enough not to have dried out periodical­ly, as this would have left traces of crack marks in the rock samples.

The US$2.5bil (RM8bil) rover landed on Mars in August last year on a mission to explore whether or not the planet may once have been habitable, though not to look for signs of ancient life itself.

Curiosity’s main objective is to trundle up nearby Mount Sharp, a 5km-high mountain that sits in the middle of Gale Crater. Through measuremen­ts of its exposed rock faces at different altitudes, researcher­s hope to piece together the geological history of the planet.

But Curiosity did not make for Mount Sharp immediatel­y.

After relaying details of the Martian soil near its landing site, the rover was steered towards a 5m-deep trough in the crater called Yellowknif­e Bay.

Here, the robotic science laboratory drilled into a rock formation called Sheepbed mudstone and examined the powder with its instrument­s.

Through a combinatio­n of X-ray diffractio­n experiment­s and analyses of gases given off when the powder was baked in an onboard oven, researcher­s identified so-called smectite clay minerals that formed in water and elements crucial for life, including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, nitrogen and phosphorus.

The chemical makeup of the minerals showed that they formed in water that was probably neither too acidic nor too alkaline for life to exist.

Writing in the journal Science, researcher­s explain that the conditions in the lake were well suited to support a type of microbial life called chemolitho­autotrophs.

These organisms are found on Earth and can survive by breaking down rocks and minerals for energy.

The lake may have persisted on Mars for tens of thousands of years, said John Grotzinger, project scientist on the Nasa mission at Caltech in Pasadena.

Monica Grady, professor of planetary and space sciences at Open University, said the images of rocks and minerals beamed back from Mars by the Curiosity rover were “spectacula­r, beautiful and absolutely compelling”.

Grady said the findings were shifting scientists’ views on how life might have existed on Mars.

“The life we know on Earth is largely based on photosynth­esis. Grass photosynth­esises, cows eat the grass, we eat the cows. We know there are other platforms for life, but they are mostly at the bottom of the ocean and in really odd places.”

Instead of relying on the Sun’s energy, life in the Martian lake could have survived on energy liberated by chemical reactions.

“This is really, for the first time, showing that absolutely all the ingredient­s for life are there based on chemistry, and that would be reactions between sulphur and iron.

“It says that there absolutely were environmen­ts on Mars where energy from chemical reactions could have been harvested to make nutrient pathways work. It’s so beautifull­y laid out.”

Grady said that even though the Martian lake may have been around for only tens of thousands of years, that may have been long enough for life to emerge there.

“We don’t really know how long it took for life to get going on Earth. We don’t know if it got going once or lots of times.

“The more we know about how life developed on Earth, the more we’re beginning to understand that it didn’t take very long at all. The fact the lake might have been relatively short lived, in terms of hundreds of thousands of years, doesn’t mean that life couldn’t have got going there. “It doesn’t mean that at all.” Curiosity has found some evidence for carbonate rocks on Mars. Grady said that she and many other scientists are keen to see the rover find some of these and analyse them. The rocks form in the presence of carbon dioxide, which on Earth is a product of respiratio­n, and is important for photosynth­esis and the carbon cycle. – Guardian News & Media

 ??  ?? Waters of Mars: an illustrate­d concept for the possible extent of an ancient lake inside Gale crater, confirmed by examining mudstone in the crater’s yellowknif­e bay area. The area’s history likely included the coming and going of multiple lakes of different sizes as climate conditions evolved. — aFP Photo/ nasa/ JPL-caltech
Waters of Mars: an illustrate­d concept for the possible extent of an ancient lake inside Gale crater, confirmed by examining mudstone in the crater’s yellowknif­e bay area. The area’s history likely included the coming and going of multiple lakes of different sizes as climate conditions evolved. — aFP Photo/ nasa/ JPL-caltech
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