The Star Malaysia - Star2

A price to pay


It is important to note that there is a difference between freelance and part-time workers. Part-timers are employees who are entitled to all company benefits and social security like EPF and SOCSO, but with a lower level of commitment.

But of course, freelancer­s usually enjoy more freedom and flexibilit­y. In the eyes of the law, however, they have very little leverage against their employers. And on top of that, their income is rarely as stable as that of a full-time or part-time employee.

“Freelancer­s are paid for their work but they have almost no benefits and have no rights of employment apart from a contract between the employer and the freelancer,” said Haggar.

According to Shamsuddin, there also have been cases where freelancer­s were scammed and cheated for their services. “There are ‘companies’ and ‘employers’ out there targeting freelancer­s. They ask for your services and then disappear without giving you payment.”

Shamsuddin said freelancer­s ought to be careful in dealing with their employers as they might encounter bogus companies or scams. It is vital for a freelancer to request for a civil contract, and also to check the employer and company’s background before committing to a job.

Through both freelancin­g and working as an employee, filmmaker Joshua Chay, 27, discovered what he wanted to achieve in his career.

“I didn’t see myself working for a company because I wanted to be my own person. In that way I’m able to produce the kind of work I like and I’m passionate about,” said Chay.

Although Chay pursued a freelance career in filmmaking, he was working with many types of clients – including some he didn’t particular­ly enjoy working with.

“The biggest thing about my freelance career was that it was growing, and fast. But through the jobs, I realised what kind of work I didn’t want to do. So from there, I began to pick my clients and produce the type of work I enjoy and am actually good at,” said Chay.

Haggar added: “That’s one of the great advantages freelancer­s have – they get to choose their clients and enjoy their work.”

 ??  ?? Filmmaker JoshuaChay took his freelance career to the next level by starting his ownproduct­ion company called The Spacemen.
Filmmaker JoshuaChay took his freelance career to the next level by starting his ownproduct­ion company called The Spacemen.

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