The Star Malaysia - Star2



CaPriCOrN (dec 23 to Jan 20): CaNCer (June 22 to July 23): Very good vibes for taking a trip on or by water. Being a water sign, you would probably prefer to be on a cruise liner, enjoying the sunsets over the water and relaxing in luxury. Sounds pretty good to me too. leO (July 24 to aug 23): There are extra bills coming, but you more or less expect this. It might be a good idea to check the bills, and if there are bank statements, check them too. Somewhere in all this mess, you might find a few mistakes. VirgO (aug 24 to Sept 23): neptune in your angle of marriage and intimacy has the potential to bring truly magical moments. With these stars, you have the potential for the earth to move. even Virgo can’t refuse a cosmic offer like that. libra (Sept 24 to Oct 23): Today brings mild health problems. usually, these stars go with some sort of infection, so if you cut or scratch yourself, make sure you wash the wound and keep it clean. There are deceptive work conditions too. SCOrPiO (Oct 24 to Nov 22): Today has the potential for magic in your angle of romance. use these stars wisely, they don’t happen often, even though you always want them to. If daytime is too busy, make the evening work for you. SagiTTariU­S (Nov 23 to dec 22): There is good contact with relatives. usually, these stars go with arranging some sort of function, possibly to celebrate a birthday or a wedding. Whatever it is, it will be fun.

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