The Star Malaysia - Star2

Are you in the right job?

- By EllEn WhytE

ARE you a bit unhappy at work? Not bouncing out of bed in the morning, all raring to go? If you feel that your energy is being sucked out of you at the end of every work day, ask yourself these questions and consider possible solutions.

Do you boast about what you do?

Do you have a sense of adventure and satisfacti­on when you’re working? Do you enjoy yourself? Do you enjoy telling others what you do for a living? If you say, “I’m an X, isn’t it dull? Let’s talk about you.”, then you may be in the wrong profession. For possible solutions, try looking at related careers. Or, think about retraining.

Who’s your boss?

When you think about your boss, do you think of her as a prized cow, or do you think of her as someone you respect, admire and would like to emulate? Ask the same about your colleagues. If the answer is that they’re all your cow-workers, you’ve got a problem. For possible solutions, try changing your environmen­t by looking for the same

job at a different company.

Are you appreciate­d?

When you’re at work, do people appreciate what you’re doing? Do they say you’re good at what you do? If you’re enjoying your work, you should be at least fair at it, and people should be wanting you around. So, if there’s a problem here, look at your annual review. If you’re having a problem hitting your targets, then you may be in the wrong job. If you are, but you don’t seem to be appreciate­d, it may be that you’re in the right job but just in the wrong company.

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