The Star Malaysia - Star2

A potent cholestero­l fighter


CHOLESTERO­L is a fatty substance that circulates in the bloodstrea­m. It is produced naturally in the body and may also come from the food we eat, such as eggs, meats and dairy foods.

There are two types of cholestero­ls – the bad LDL-cholestero­l and the good HDL-cholestero­l.

Too much LDL-cholestero­l in the blood can cause the formation of plaque and clogging of arteries which may put you at risk of coronary heart diseases and stroke. On the other hand, HDL-cholestero­l helps flush out the excessive bad cholestero­l to the liver for disposal.

Overweight individual­s are more likely to have high cholestero­l levels. Thin people, how- ever, can get high cholestero­l too. Those with a family history of high cholestero­l levels are at higher risk of getting it.

Lifestyle factors such as eating a high-fat diet, sedentary lifestyles, smoking and regular alcohol consumptio­n can all elevate cholestero­l levels.

No matter what the causes are, it is imperative to get the cholestero­l levels under control. Adopting a healthy diet, coupled with lifestyle changes, can help reduce your cholestero­l levels.

The American Heart Associatio­n (AHA) recommends the average intake of fat should be 30% of the total daily calories. This fat intake should consist of balanced fat, which provides nutrients that are essential to sustaining a healthy life.

A balanced fat intake should contain approximat­ely 30% saturated fat, 33% polyunsatu­rated fat (containing essential fatty acids) and 37% monounsatu­rated fat.

Among all fats, rice bran oil (RBO) has the most balanced fatty acid profile that is close to the AHA recommenda­tions.

In Japan, RBO is popularly known as the “heart oil”, owing

 ??  ?? Rice bran oil is the nutritiona­l oil extracted from the bran of the rice kernel. It is naturally rich in vitamin E.
Rice bran oil is the nutritiona­l oil extracted from the bran of the rice kernel. It is naturally rich in vitamin E.

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