The Star Malaysia - Star2

Take deer placenta for radiant skin


dEER placenta has a long history as a deeply restora-tive formula in Chinese tonic herbalism which dates back as far as 2,000 years ago.

In the olden days, Chinese and Vietnamese mothers consumed their own placenta after giving birth.

In Italy, women have been known to eat parts of the placen-ta to help with lactation, while Hungarian women used to eat placenta to expedite the comple-tion of labour.

Throughout revolution and modernisat­ion, deer placenta has been used to replace human pla-centa because of its biocompat-ibility with humans.

It is nourishing and is safe to consume.

Prized for its high concentra-tion of young stem cells, it is packed with nutrients necessary to create and nurture new life cycle of cells.

CellLabs Deer Placenta is extracted from the healthy and fine quality New Zealand Red Deer species.

With the use of freeze-drying technology, the bioactive com-ponents and growth factor of the deer placenta can be preserved to ensure optimum absorption capacity to achieve total rejuvenati­on, vitality and beauty.

Deer placenta helps revitalise current cells, repair damaged cells and protect healthy cells, at the same time reducing fine lines, wrinkles and spots.

CellLabs Deer Placenta is for-mulated with Marine Collagen to hydrate the skin, improve skin smoothness and maximise skin suppleness.

Marine Collagen helps to keep skin supple and firm while pre-venting the loss of collagen.

A good placenta must contain antioxidan­ts to support the resto-ration of every tissue and cell of the body.

Therefore, Cell Labs Deer Placenta + Marine Collagen Plus provide an all-in-one antioxidan­t formula which contains aloe vera powder, avocado oil, grape seed oil and squalene.

This blend of antioxidan­ts is known as men’s best friends.

They are loyal protectors and nurturers of our cells, repelling diseases by enhancing one’s immune system and preventing premature ageing caused by free radicals in our body.

Because of its role in nurtur-ing new life and its ability to turn back the effects of ageing, deer placenta is also well known as a physical boost for men and women.

It helps to improve stamina and boost energy for those with decreased physical function due to ageing.

Women and men with decreased energy can ben-efit from deer placenta with its growth factors and live stem cells.

Incorporat­e your diet with CellLabs Deer Placenta + Marine Collagen Plus to fight the signs of ageing and keep you looking youthful.

Look confident and look young and beautiful.

For details, call the customer careline at 1800 220 822 (9am to 6pm weekdays).

This article is contribute­d by Cellgen Lifescienc­es (M) Sdn Bhd.

(KKLIU 11/2013/L/82)

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CellLabs Deer Placenta is extracted from the healthy and fine quality New Zealand Red Deer species.

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