The Star Malaysia - Star2

Detoxify, revitalise and protect the body


ODAY, women are taking on very active roles in society. They have their own demanding careers and at the same time, serve as nurturing role models at home. This inevitably adds stress to their bodies and in the long run will affect their health.

Some women work late into the night and eat at irregular hours. Top these up with toxins and impurities ingested daily from breathing in polluted air, consuming fast food and drinking unhealthy beverages, and the immune system is pushed to the limit.

Toxins cause free radical damage and oxidative stress in the body, which lead to various health problems.

Your body is created to be able to defend itself from the onslaught of harmful attacks through various ways.

Two important components to look for to bolster your immune system are detoxifica­tion enzymes and antioxidan­ts.

1. Antioxidan­t: To stop free radicals from damaging the cells’ delicate systems.

2. Detoxifica­tion: To produce specialise­d detoxifica­tion enzymes that capture and break down toxins quickly, before they have a chance to damage cells.

Dermareen Femax-Protek is a specially formulated beverage with the busy women in mind.

With four potent health enhancers plus two skin nutrients to support your health from the inside-out, it gives you three major benefits – detoxifica­tion, revitalisa­tion and protection.

There are two major detoxifica­tion phases or pathways that occur in the liver:

Phase I – The main pathway that breaks down the harmful fat soluble toxins ingested.

Phase II – The liver adds new chemical components that transform harmful materials into harmless water soluble form.

The key ingredient in Dermareen Femax-Protek is the patented broccoli extract (BroccoRaph­anin), which is rich in glucorapha­nin. It has been well-documented in containing antioxidan­ts and enzymes to support the two phases of liver detoxifica­tion pathways.

For more informatio­n, contact 03-7880 0103.

 ??  ?? Dermareen Femax-Protek is a specially formulated beverage with busy women in mind.
Dermareen Femax-Protek is a specially formulated beverage with busy women in mind.

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