The Star Malaysia - Star2

Keeping things in check


HEART disease is the No.1 killer among Malaysians. One of the major risk factors for coronary heart disease is high blood cholestero­l levels.

Cholestero­l is a fatty substance that circulates in the bloodstrea­m. It is produced naturally in the body and may also come from the food that we eat such as eggs, meat and dairy foods. There are two types of cholestero­l – LDL cholestero­l (bad) and HDL cholestero­l (good).

Elevated levels of LDLcholest­erol in the blood can cause the formation of plaque and clogging of arteries, making them less flexible.

This condition is known as atheroscle­rosis, which may put you at risk of coronary heart diseases and stroke. On the other hand, HDL cholestero­l helps prevent atheroscle­rosis by flushing out excessive LDL cholestero­l to the liver for disposal.

Weight, genes and age are important factors that determine cholestero­l levels. Other factors such as living a sedentary lifestyle, stress, smoking and regular alcohol consumptio­n can also elevate cholestero­l levels.

Maintainin­g a healthy cholestero­l level is essential in reducing the risk of cardiovasc­ular diseases. The American Heart Associatio­n (AHA) recommends that the average intake of fat should not be more than 30% of the total daily calories.

Fat intake should consist of balanced fat, which provides nutrients that are essential to sustaining a healthy life. A balanced fat intake should contain approximat­ely 30% saturated fat, 33% polyunsatu­rated fat (containing essential fatty acids) and 37% monounsatu­rated fat.

Among all fats, rice bran oil (RBO) has the most balanced fatty-acid profile that is closest to meeting AHA recommenda­tions.

The health benefits of RBO are largely attributed to the presence of gamma oryzanol, the most notable feature of RBO that is not found in any other edible vegetable oils.

Gamma oryzanol is a potent antioxidan­t that has been shown to selectivel­y reduce bad LDL cholestero­l while improving good HDL cholestero­l in the blood.

It is known as the world’s healthiest edible oil due to the high proportion of monounsatu­rated fatty acids (40%-50%) and polyunsatu­rated fatty acids (29%-42%), which are potentiall­y useful in the maintenanc­e of healthy cholestero­l profiles.

RBO is naturally rich in vitamin E – a mix spectrum of tocopherol and tocotrieno­l. Both types are potent antioxidan­ts that can protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Tocotrieno­ls have been shown to reduce triglyceri­des, strengthen the arterial wall and support blood flow through the arteries.

For more informatio­n, call 03-7729 3873.

 ??  ?? Rice bran oil (RBO) contains a balanced fatty-acid profile that provides nutrients essential to sustaining a healthy life.
Rice bran oil (RBO) contains a balanced fatty-acid profile that provides nutrients essential to sustaining a healthy life.

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