The Star Malaysia - Star2

Top subjects

- Starchild My Favourite Subject. Haiwan

CHILDREN are taught a range of subjects – from Bahasa Melayu and English, to Mathematic­s and Science – in school. Each subject focuses on a different aspect of learning, and together, they help in the overall developmen­t of the child.

A 2014 study by Barclays Bank in Britain discovered that Computing and Mathematic­s top the list of schoolchil­dren’s favourite subjects. Twenty four per cent of children between the ages of six and 12, said Computing and Technology lessons were what they enjoyed the most.

Mathematic­s was the second most popular subject in the study with 19% of the children saying it was their favourite.

If you had to list down your favourite subject in school, what would it be? Do you like Mathematic­s because you like to solve mathematic­al problems? How about Science which teaches you about nature and the diversity of life?

readers share their take on

Shalynn Trina Anand, seven, likes Art. “I like to draw beautiful and colourful pictures. The drawing which I submitted was for my Art class in school. The topic was (Animals) and I drew a unicorn. My teacher gave me an ‘A’ which made me very happy and proud.”

Amy Surayyah, eight, says: “I like physical education. I get to play with my friends in the school field.”

Bethany Phang Ming Tze, eight, also enjoys physical education. “I like it because I enjoy running around the school field with my classmates. I feel happy when I can play ball, compete in running or simply jump about with my friends. I feel refreshed after exercising.”

“I love all the subjects taught in school. But my favourite is Art and Craft

 ??  ?? Shalynn Trina Anand, 7
Shalynn Trina Anand, 7
 ??  ?? Amy Surayyah, 8
Amy Surayyah, 8
 ??  ?? Bethany Phang Ming Tze, 8
Bethany Phang Ming Tze, 8
 ??  ?? Sarah Celina, 6
Sarah Celina, 6

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